Battleratings, One "Small" Change to make all the difference

Ok people need to forget balancing focused guns in the battle they existed should come before anything. then if you really need br which given you can still wipe a squad at 40 with noob gun they give all troops. BR is worthless if the guns are not in the battles, they should be in.

That has been thrown out the window.

Power balance takes priority over HA now. BR is based on Power

have to go with the flow

This new proposed BR system from this thread is exactly what we need. However, I think that DF wants to keep only two queue or else it might not reduce the overall number of distinct queues induced by the campaign system.

But I entirely agree with your proposition.

I also really like this one. Either proposition is still better than having BR 3 being matched with everyone else.


Which is quite funny honestly. They could always change dispersion/recoil and reload time to artificially nerf/buff pretty much any weapon to suit itā€™s historical ā€œBAā€.
Itā€™s not like weapons in Enlisted behaves extremely realistically anyway, but whateverā€¦

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if the moscow maps are ā€œlow brā€ and maps are for some odd reason ā€œlockedā€ to certain BRā€™s.
I dont really see anyway to implement kiraly / PPSh & T34 / F2 there.
Both Kiraly & PPSh are top tier smgā€™s and definitely do not belong in low BR games.

Tanks even less, the F2 in current moscow is last unlock for axis and arguably only tank that can reliably go against t-34 the pzIII and quadrubblethrilliontenhundred of its variants doesnt have any chance against t-34 which would create the exact same situation weā€™re in right now.

Rather just remove the BR lock from maps and let ppl with any gear play what ever they want
( As long as its balanced obviously )

Agree, how ever majority of matches is just about slaying bots.
Quite hard to imagine casuals enjoying CS / Pubg style recoil patterns just to slay some bots.

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even if thats of the clif for Gijins war thunder two money mill plan

Dark flow no longer there its gijin deves only

HA is useless if guns that shouldnt be there are in those battles.


Like I said, Iā€™m just working with the direction they are headed.

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I know, I wasnā€™t opposing you.

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FYI I would have preferred gun balancing towards historical too. Reload speeds are jacked, amongst other stats


Having 3 separate queues just means thereā€™s no reason to use BR 1, 3 and 5 equipment because it will always be the underdog counterpart.

This means that, effectively, this tiering system of 6, effectively only has 3, because the aforementioned tiers do not meet anything lower.

For example, something like a G41 will never fight bolt-action rifles. But on the other hand, it will always fight against ā€œbetterā€ semi-auto weapons. Likewise, something as bad as ~50rpm bolt-action rifles will face 10rd ~60rpm bolt-action rifles.

How you categorized these tiers are also an issue. ā€œHigh capacity SMGsā€ being at tiers 3 and 4 would just mean itā€™s nothing but drum mags dominating that BR bracket.

Iā€™m also generally against categorizing vehicles by their relative placement to War Thunder brackets. This is an infantry game first and foremost, so not only is the ability to fight infantry a factor, it is also an integral one, and should not be dismissed in favor of a tankā€™s capability to fight other tanks.

This means that, with your tiering system, not only will rapid-fire HE-slinging tanks that can reload a 75mm shell every 3 seconds prominent, but the tools intended to deal with their are limited.

Notwithstanding that, among other things, you make no specific mention of where tank destroyers will be placed, and campaigns with an evidently clear gap in terms of armor role, such as the western allies, have been shoehorned into a higher tier.

For reference, a 76mm-equipped Sherman has very similar penetration and post-penetration performance as a pak/kwk40-equipped vehicle. It has no business being the ā€œequivalentā€ tank to panthers and tigers before pershings are introduced.

Overall, I do not like your idea of how to fix the battle ratings. Nor are they ā€œsmallā€.

Powercreeper mind set.
And itā€™s not like that meta stuff will not exist either way.

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The entire point of adding matchmaking brackets is to give an opportunity to club or be clubbed. Thatā€™s why they go up and down.

In here, itā€™s just being clubbed if you arenā€™t using the top equipment for said bracket.

As opposed to BR 3 dominating BR 1 and 2, And BR 5 dominating BR 4 and 3 as proposed? By that logic itā€™s still better than current proposal whether you like it or not.

We will leave it at that, because the rest of your post is based on where you think gear positions are in those ratings, which isnā€™t the point of decompression via another queue. More Queues are better for decompression, thatā€™s just how it is.

If you look at the proposed objectively, ā€œnearlyā€ every AT weapon, tank cannon, and infantry weapon has an even chance to do their job against what they will see (certainly much better than the last test server), without the Random nature of ā€œWill I get MM clubbed or do the clubbingā€

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Yeah, because difference between BR 2 and BR 3 is the same as difference between Kar98k and federov (BR 1, BR 5).

Your ā€œperfectionistā€ arguments sounds reasonable on paper, but sucks in reality. This game will never be balanced. And this suggestions is way better than the stuff currently presented to us.
In which you can molest pzII with KV1 and so.

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I am against the proposed system, as well. Similar to you, I have my own idea on how it should be ā€œfixedā€, as do dozens who chime in with suggestions on how they can fix it.

But this one isnā€™t it, and the rationale isnā€™t enough to convince me.

See above.

If you want to criticize my own take as for how Iā€™d balance things, hereā€™s my thread.

ā€œBetter than what the devs have doneā€ is a stupidly low bar, and Iā€™m sure the reply count on the BR change announcement, as well as the aforementioned number of people posting their own ideas to ā€œfixā€ the matchmaking problems, speak for themselves.

The reason for proposing 3 queues, is we arenā€™t likely to get any more (especially for starters). They appear to want as few queues as possible.

Otherwise, I would be right up there with your suggestion. But it isnā€™t going to happen while they are prioritizing minimal MM queues.

I am only proposing damage control. (the bare minimum to be somewhat functional)

This isnā€™t my first choice as I made clear in my opening sentiments, this is the only compromise I see them even ever so likely to budge on (and even then its not likely)

I would LOVE to be wrong about that too by the way

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We currently have 2 queues even tho 3 queues were suggested for many times before.

Your suggestions is based on at least 5 queues if I understand it correctly. I really donā€™t think thatā€™s realistic.


I had a suggestion where queues were for tiers 1-2-3, 3-4-5, and 5-6-7. That way every tier would have a reason to be used other than 1 and 6