Battle Pass: First Season of 2025

I felt the sense in the fact that the BP soldier of the guerrilla squad was Shoichi Yokoi.

No god please no


I don’t have enough grey pants vs brown pants debate in my head to ever spend all this pile of junk.

Would rather get 2k silver for all of them.


I have 5K of them and I just want to sell them like 200 silvers each


Callsign cards too. 200 silver each sounds fair.


Just make all these things sellable for silver - everybody wins


35 days* actually :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh no, what a tragedy.

As if you can’t simply pass on stuff you don’t care about.
You just maliciously can’t let other people be happy with something you don’t care about.

But once it comes to the things you actually care about. Then you’re going to spam them in a completely unrelated News topics.


Just off topic spam completely unrelated to BP in any way.

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To unlock the T26E1-1 “Super Pershing” which is at the end of the USA tank tech tree you need to have at least unlocked these vehicles:

  • M3 Stuart
  • Daimler Mk II
  • M5A1
  • Mk I “Grant”
  • Crusader
  • Sherman II
  • M4A2
  • M4A3 (105)
  • M10 GMC
  • M4A3E2 “Jumbo”
  • M4A1 (76) W
  • M18 GMC
  • M4A2 (76) W
  • M4A3E2 (76) W
  • M26 Pershing

The total research points required to unlock the T26E1-1 is 1,329,000.

To my understanding since the BP vehicle is a skin and both being at the end of 2 different tech tree branches, some people will not be able to use the skin within a reasonable time frame once they’ve unlock it in the battle pass (BP).

For some new players it could take weeks or even months for them to be able to use what they paid for.
Somebody who have unlocked the 66th Armor Regiment (USA Tanker III) still need at most 736,000 research points to use the Super Pershing skin, whereas before they could use the BP vehicle straight away once it’s unlocked in the BP.


Maybe make one vehicle low tier and the other high tier so at least one is faster to earn?


Literally nothing has changed. Since you would still need late content tanker squad under old GO vehicle format.

So this number is just meaningless. It’s not as dramatic as you are trying to picture it.

If the Super Pershing were a classic GO vehicle, it would save you ±6 vehicles worth of grind. You couldn’t skip the whole US tank line.
Because as I have already said, you would need late game tanker squad for such vehicle.


or, if we’re not getting actual vehicles anymore, why not make it 4 skins since they have less utility?

What i see…. a worthy opponent!


Fixed. :slight_smile:

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Usually you tend to drop minor updates/release premium squads and TT-things when the BP new dropped. How will it be 2025 and onwards?
Might’ve missed earlier news regarding this matter. Please enlighten me


Fully agree with you here.

People are overreacting. Like, the fact that the gold order shop is gone is a damn shame but some people out there are pretending Darkflow killed their dog or something …


With BP vehicles gone it’s kinda baffling why we still getting BP soldiers - both GO vehicles&soldiers were trash anyway.


Personally I love getting 4GO weapons per month* (35 days). So much less stressful.

I would like to see maybe some rare GO vehicles aka how war thunder does it thrown in for extra value.

I think ppl would deff forget their problems then.

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How long before we figure out what Germany is getting? The suspense is killing me.


These often accidentally coincided, or more accurately, were “near” each other, in the past. Also, it likely contributed to why BPs were often delayed.

Now, since there’s almost 1 new BP a month, this naturally won’t be the case - but there will of course be major & minor updates as well as QoL (Making Enlisted A Better Place) updates throughout the year, just likely not at the same time as each Battlepass (or maybe they will be, depending on when they are complete)!


You think Germany gets things? Don’t be silly, Germany must suffer.

(Just joking, you’ll know soon™, don’t kill me plz)