Battle Pass: First Season of 2025

It’s Hino Komuro rifle that is semi automatic br 3 rifle with 15 bullets so yes its something nice^^

Hahhaha ahh yes Germany Suffers my favorite argument that wehraboos have xD That’s why I always say that Japan is the Main Villain of Enlisted not Germany they are our sidekick :jp:


2/3rds of Japan’s roster is entirely fictional. That’s some wack shit right there. Scrapping campaigns was not the way to go 'cuz the devs are constantly making stuff up in a desperate bid to make the IJA equal to that of the Americans.


Yeah I agree that’s why i play BR I or BR II Japan I only with my Type 96 was br II and i have more plane options and i don’t even need to play higher BR’s. Not to mention if we had campaigns we could have China campaign finally

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But the knight is available, both in green and red, I have it on my Tiger II

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How very dare they!

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Without Gold Order Freedom - no new BP for me. Tx for nothing


Well, they payed for a skin for a vehicle they don’t have.

Its a stupid system, but what would even change? You still needed to unlock the vehicle squad first anyways.

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Having both BP vehicle as the vehicle existing at the end of 2 separate tech trees is not good. Before you just need to have the appropriate squad unlocked, now you need to have the squad unlocked and have the tech tree vehicle researched.

It would help if they explain why the BP is changed? or what was problematic with the old BP vehicle reward format?


Guess we’ll have to wait and see if this format really increases their BP sale. On the surface, it may seem the rewards are more, but at the core, I don’t think so. Taken away the freedom of choice wasn’t a good start at the first place.


And if the camouflages for vehicles instead of for a single vehicle are for a family of vehicles. example: the camouflage of the King Tiger H is applicable for the P version, Panthers, etc.

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bad idea

Now that’s just a rubbish “reward” - it’s actually damn insulting to your custoimers!


Won’t buy it, only play 2 nations so no fomo for nations ill never play. Will also play less if i have nothing to work towards. Battle Pass feels less then mid now.


Thr bp really went down the drain it seems. I looked forward to the new weapons and vehicles and variety. It went from an interesting 3 or 4 vehicles and and the same in weapons, to just one weaponx4, and a couple SKINS? I dont think ill be purchasing the BP anymore.



You still get back what you spend and even make plus. There´s really no reason to stop getting it, once you made the expense at least once.

Personally I prefer the option to get 4 “gold order” weapons each months over getting 1-2 max per quarter but to each his own.

I still wish for a return of the BP shop items though on special occasions like events, where you could pick and choose a few of those you´re still missing.


That’s a good idea. Like those tokens where we can choose a sword for the desired nation.


Yes, I’d rather have the ability to choose the weapons I’d actually end up using. Rather than be fed with random crap.

But as you have said. If you do care all about quantity. Then it’s definitely good for you.


Honestly I’m skipping this battlepass, the PPPSh-45 does look really cool but there is no way I will play BR V just for a single weapon simply because I don’t like how BR IV and BR V plays in general, I much prefer BR II, in fact I would have purchase this Battlepass gladly if these were still giving Gold Order weapons that way even though I’m not interested in the current main reward I would have simply receive a Gold Order and go to the GO Shop and purchase something else that suits better my taste, that way Gaijin/Darkflow still wins as I would still play the game consistently and I win because I have a choice in what I want to get, this new system is really weak especially for people interested only in certain BRs and even worse for those who only play one specific nation only and have to go through droughts of months until their nation receives something and therefore will lack a reason to play the game enterely if nothing else captures their interest which in turned will hurt the player retention and playerbase growth in the long term but oh well, I guess I’ll take a break from this game until something interesting does come around lol


This kinda sucks, ngl. Bring back the BP shop.