I definitely love all your comments here on the forum!
This battlepass is quite bad for people who dont play br 5. I just want some fun br 2 smgs but instead i get 4 ppsh reskins. Also both of the vehicle skins are br 5 as well
Just skins instead of vehicles…now that is just beyond stupid
Literally majority of previous BP stuff was low to mid BR.
When we got BP with only BR2 MGs as weapons, I didn’t complained that there’s no BR5 weapon. I just patiently waited for another season. (btw. That one lasted for 3 months instead of current 1 month)
And when we finally get one with BR5 stuff, it is huge problem for some people.
I think time-wise they kept the 100 gold reward, but half the duration, half the money. In the same amount of time we’ll earn the same amount of extra gold, or not?
Perfect for me, thank you devs, James and whoever listened to us!
Also, that was close…
It wouldnt be problem if we had the chance to choose the gold orders. Previously you could buy gold order gun for any nation you want and for any br but now only people who play br 5 soviets will benefit.
But if the devs really wanna remove free choice then atleast include 1 low br reward instead of only adding 3 high br
No, more.
Old BP 3 months 100 free gold
New BP 3 x 1 month = 3 x 50 gold = 150 free gold
I am pretty sure they will eventually release season under this new BP season that will only consist of low BR stiff as well.
If you are only low BR player, you are always free to skip this BP season.
Yes, I agree it’s annoying as hell. That’s why I was so dramatic when we were introduced to this new format.
Removing GO is just a change that goes directly against the interests of the players.
But I disagree that having a one month BP season composed either of only high BR or only low BR stuff is a problem.
Maybe they could do it this way:
season 1 gets high br weapon, mid br vehicle skin and low br vehicle skin
season 2 gets mid br weapon, low br skin and high br skin
season 3 gets low br weapon high br skin and mid br skin
Every br gets something every season
Reupdate Battle Pass pls…What is point to by 2 skins for tank? Better to add some squads in BP or tanks.
Before you would get a vehicle gold order in the BP and buy an older skin version of a vehicle you already have.
Yeah this is really sad that the overwhelming majority of stuff is for BR5 lately:
Burma added fake Hyde, fake American MG-42, normal MG-42 100, big Soviet bomber – all for high BR, then the event with fake Fedorov 3-burst, MKB, M2A1 – all for high BR.
Low BR just got 2 motorcycles and 2 Japanese Tommy guns during all this time?
Literally just period of one month, but okay. Let’s exaggerate.
It’s definitely not like tech trees are more “bloated” at low BRs. And there’s definitely not more low BR stuff in the BP shop than of higher BR stuff.
Wait when was the last time we even had high BP stuff? Like a year ago with T20/Gorov?
What are u people even on about? Bp is like 80% low BR guns these days
At least this Bp is high br thematic. All 5
It would be nice if they stuck to this, each BP picks a Br for it.
I think the most recent BP BR5 weapon was Bren 100. But because it’s inferior to the tech tree MG, no one really cared much about the gun.
pretty sure im the only one who currently use it and i find it a 7/10 gun tbh pretty good for defense with it slow rof
I care for it because british. But otherwise it is quite bad compared to browning
Yep, that’s why I bought it as well. For my future pure British high BR lineup.
Me too. Im just waiting for huot auto rifle or something similar
huot would be cool tbh it would be the first canadian gun iirc
unless there is one in enlisted currently? (im not good with gun history tbh)