Battle Pass: Fall Season of 2023

Excellent, thanks.

interesting since burst are really rare

So the MG cannot be full auto? Do I understand it right?

Itā€™s full auto, just available for almost every soldier instead of being locked for gunners


maybe it will be kinda like charlton automatic rifle?


because itā€™s not by default an automatic weapon.

but a selective fire one like fgs.

hence, why they are in the rifleman category

the breda on the other hand is similar ( although not completely ) like a BAR / Stg ( in category ).

as those are by default automatic with capability of burst.

unless they make an exception.

dunno. everything could be possible.


looks like itā€™s an exception.


actually, the gewehr it self itā€™s a rifle.

dunno what i was thinking then.

that is really interesting i might buy that ngl

I think it can, but for some reason itā€™s classified as rifle like AVS-36

Lol, thatā€™s very cool. Good for engineers in MG squads.

mind to elaborate which classes do not get acces to it?


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I didnā€™t catch up. G43k is semi as well.

If thatā€™s true why do the Soviets need more firepower the Germans donā€™t even have a belt fed MG With 100 rounds yet.

welp i guess we should just wait and see if the breda gonna be avaliable to everyone or not since the new bp mg can be use by everyone maybe the breda can too

yep. made one of those opsi fail and i canā€™t read for shit moment

i thought it was automatic by default like the bfv one

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Canā€™t you just spam FG42-II like anyone else and be done with it? Belt fed MG will come at some point.


I feel you. Thatā€™s happening to me consistently.

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so it just like g43k? im a bit confuse now afterall im not a native english

Basically yes.

i blaim the new ui.

c l e a r l y
h i s
f a u l t
( clearly not my fault. accountability 1 0 1 )

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Mg34,42,45,15 are belt fed, they use the 50rd belt