Battle Pass: Fall Season of 2023

And when it comes to this rifle why do the Japanese need more rifles with 10 rounds in it when you could have probably got something more special instead of another weapon with 10 rounds in it.

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i mean, it’s in 3 campaigns so,

you could theorically buy them 3 now, and have them in the merge.

not clear the " limitations " after the merge though.

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Why? Fake garand is probably the best 10 rds semi in game.


First off,
Love this. All of it.

Second off,
That American officer is a pilot. I assume that was intentional? Just seems odd to do a pilot in an infantry game. NOT A COMPLAINT.

Third off,
Anything Italian gets me sechsually excited. I am sechsually excited.

I don’t wanna keep reloading my weapon every ten shots we need bigger magazines to win battles not more reloading.

Unless I missed it somewhere where this game is becoming a slow paced game instead of fast-paced game I don’t want to keep reloading in battles when it’s so fast-paced.

The reloading with this weapon is ultra fast. Animation looks kinda funny at this point.

But I guess it’s very likely we’ll get semis with more rnds in future.
Why? Because powercreep. Curse of every live service game.


The power creep is painful it makes gold order weapons like this kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

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I agree, previous type hei 10 is living proof.

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Well if they’re gonna screw over the Japanese on the gold order department can they at least fix the bayonet on it instead of it floating there somehow.


Yeah, I especially hate when glitched bayonet is hindering weapon’s sights, for example on Japanese paras.

I wonder if devs even tried to fix it. Seems just like pure ignorance at this point. The FOMO event is gone so nobody cares, it served its purpose.


Ride! Ride my T70! For glory! For ruin! To the gates of Berlin!

Seriously tho, seeing hardcore trolls use their low BR gear to face and still win against meta sweat lords is gonna be super exciting.

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You can bet my Red guards, Volks riflemen veterans, Tobruk and Moroccan warriors will be on the front for this exact reason! (Or just because I truly enjoy using them)


Does it? I’ve been using them and their default rifles quite a lot, I never noticed.

Look closer. Once you noticed it, you can’t unseen it. And it’s extremely annoying.

It really does affects this weapon’s sights.


so you mean in current stalingrad or after merge? cause if it current stalingrad it really isnt that hard to win as allie

then im kinda glad i havent seen it since i really dont remember seeing that

I hope these ones are “general purpose” rifles for non-assaulter classes, instead.

I see. Evidently I got used to the sight before noticing, so it looked normal to me.

it kinda like the g43k isnt it? and most class can use that so it probably the same case?

All weapons in this BP are considered as “semi autos”