Battle Pass: Fall Season of 2023

You guys are fulfilling my pastaboo fantasies too much as of late, I could get spoiled.


If thats a Panzer IIIN HEAT…thats a killer skin and killer tank. awwwww yeah

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Very interesting new Meta worthy weapons.

Good content

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Finally no Ha-Gos.


Is that another sexy best vehicle t70 skin I see?


I would have liked it if the Germans got some sort of gold order grenade launcher just like the Russians because of the Russian can spam explosives I think the Germans can do it too.


Probably i Buy it

Light tank gang it’s here


I’ve got a real soft spot for the t70. I can’t explain why, I just like it.

I’ll drive it with pride once the conversion is released.


Yep, in all its glory


w h e r e ’ s
t h e
f w
f r o m
s t a l i n g r ad ?

oh well. those will do anyway :+1:

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I bet they just changed it at last moment to ruin your credibility, lmao.

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You mean the one that will teamkill your entire squad if it used by a bot? Would be nice to see some german bots exploding themselves for no reason.

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I guess that’s true but if you give it to sweat lord they can do some magical things with it

Hey, so that beautiful Italian piece…

It’s just like an Italian G43k, am I right? I’m glad I saved gold weaponry orders.

  • Since it’s technically a rifle, will it be usable by troopers? Not just assaulters I mean.

I think that all of the weapons will be available to troopers because of this :

If the soviet weapon has this point, all of this battle pass weapons should have it as well.

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Can anyone clarify me something? Since new Italian weapon will available only in Tunisia, how many copies can we get? 4 or just 3?

I don’t remember which system they’re using currently.

I think just 2


you’d get only 1 if it’s present in at least 3/4 campaigns.

2 if it’s only in 3 campaigns

3 if it’s only in 2 campaigns

and 4 if it’s only in one campaign.

at least, that’s what they stated before.

don’t think so.

it has automatic fire by default.

feels like an assaulter weapons.

which most classes don’t mean all ( like the gewehr, armaguerras, mondragon etc )


Thanks :+1:

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Still, if it’s truly 4… I’ll miss gold orders because I also need M14’s Papa…:stuck_out_tongue:

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