Battle Pass: Fall Season of 2023

except mg34 patronem that one a 75

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Yeah, go tell it to the parrot

You cant @Rickyd123 tried a whole year


:nerd_face: :point_up: A c h t u a l l y

magazine fed.


Gunners, assaulters, pilots, tankers, medics, snipers don’t have access to it.
Just like a M1 Garand or a FG-42.

What? Germany gets an incredibly good burst rifle.


yea i regret not buying 2 more g43k now

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cheers hun.

impeccable as always.

Sorry for bothering you again. But how many rounds the new burst rifle has?

If I am aware, it wasn’t mentioned yet.

The bipod under the t20 give some bonus if used or are only part of the model?

when the Soviets can walk around with the fedorov and a gun that fires the same firepower is it MG it’s a bit cancerous when someone will deck out an entire squad with that gun.

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look like a 20 round to me but yea that will help me decide if i should buy it or not

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Yeah, I’ve got same feeling.

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Please stop.


As much as the Fedorov is unreasonably good, the “GeRmAnY lAcKs FiRePoWeR” argument can’t possibly stand on any sensible ground whatsoever.


when it comes to sweat Lords they scare me they have grenade launchers they can spam the lad and belt fed weapons now even the engineers are gonna be frightening to fight

The sweat Lords will find a way do not underestimate them with enough willpower they can do anything.


Bro, stop your delusions already.


Those sweetlord are with you in your room now?

Srly cut it out now your becoming the life version of a stupid minecraft creepypasta


You can’t ignore them forever they are there and when we get to steam it’ll be even worse.

They are probably there and they’re gonna drag me into the void

They’re coming for us they will kill us all

that’s what the merge focus to partially do.

as long you remain on low brs or play customs.

which, no offence, but that’s where you should play the most.

i have played with you and you seem fairly a new player ( or you sure play like one. which no shame in that )

but keep asking for stuff just because you don’t have it or in other occasions, you simply haven’t unlocked it yet it’s simply unreasonable.

you do not posses an objective thinking due to not having tools in the first place ( or you do have the tools, but refuse to understand how they work and expect them to be " evergreen " and work for all occasions ) , nor really knowing how the opposition work or even try to understand it.

majority of your posts falls undearneath " noooooooooo i got killled by X AND Z. THEREFORE MUST BE NERFED / I REQUIRE MAUS TO COMPETE AGAINST "

instead of going on a lenghty ( and quite frankly, pointless ) campaign of introduce stuff that frankly you don’t need i highly suggest you to play the game extensively ( not really. but just to reach ends of campaigns of both sides ) otherwise it’s just absurdity and obsession.

not really healthy for the community or your self.

don’t get me wrong, you are free to share your opinions.
but as you can see, will often being challenged by veterans and expert players alike.

as much you’re afraid of sweat lord, they won’t be there everywhere ( at least, in the merge the chances will be reduced to only found them at latter tiers ).