"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

absolutely, having too much ammo is always a good thing or at least still better than having too few and run out of ammo and cant kill someone who is trying to kill me

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You’re not wrong since it’s always more fun to have more dakka power


This is fair as a balancing mechanic. Good idea

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Solid feedback here. Also if you want to dig more deeply into Italy in the campaign I have another thread covering it:

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insulting when cant counter argument, classic.

Freeboos get mad at german player because german player want balance between faction in form of spare magazine
“nOOO yOu CANT GET spAre maGaZINE aS MuCh as WE aRE”

arguing with Germ is a vicious cycle so i dont start meaningless arguments with them.


To be clear … I play ITALY


dont like they cry? why dont just balance the game and watch allies crying to buff their stuff because they cant compete without overperformed stuffs that exactly happen in war thunder rn (tho german arent that OP compared to US, hell it even somehow worse)

who hurt your little fragile soul to have hatred this much toward german player anyway

even though you are the one who started it by replying my comment with irrelevant stuff right after i proved you wrong 🤷

The only thing that can be considered over preforming for the allied side is jumbo but that’s because it’s a brick wall that people want to dive head first into, I refuse to count CAS because it’s cancerous for both sides

for normandy, out of topic but ok

baretta M38 has the same problem as M38/42, it has only 2 spare mag (40/80)

and M1 carbine + granade launcher is far better than Kar98k + granade launcher, rarely used but granade launcher is very useful

and for once more, sturmpistole is garbage compared to PIAT

either way plane still has to be counter and yes german has worse plane than allies

the rest are pretty much similar or fair trade :thinking:

You think that fg is similar to m2?

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I don’t know if it’s because this is in the development stage, but Boys AT rifle is definitely OP.
There is no camera shake, and no matter where you hit, you can kill it in one hit. In addition, it can sprint, and the loading speed is fast.
I don’t know how much anti-tank capability it has (since the Axis side is only supplied with big boxes that can only shoot APCs to begin with), but it is definitely one of the most ridiculously strong anti-infantry weapons.

я не пойму , когда будут стрелки на самолетах ?

It would be nice if you turned on bronze order gain for phase 1 CBTs from now on unless campaign progression is integral to its function or whatever

Still having a blast with it

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no, but

Fair enough though eventually the Germans will get Panzerfaust 100 which has enough pen to go through jumbo frontally I hope that gets added next update same with m1 or the m9 bazooka


“It starts at an extra magazine…
German mains deserve nothing but scorn tbh
Despise them entirely for how they cry and bitch and ruin games
Granted not everyone who plays Germany is like that, but enough are that it can really fuck some things up”

I support this.


so you offended by their rants yet still listen, read, observe, and take part in the conflict FOR 10 YEARS instead of just completely ignore them, block them, or something, lol your fault. in the first place they never do an actual damage to you it all happen sinply because your own consequence for observing them or take part in the conflict

german tank in normandy are objectively worse than allies, you know it since you play war thunder, nah you need to play you only need to compare the BR

PPD/PPSH with 71 round, how is this equal to MPs lol. the last time i stole PPD from ded russian, i mowed 2 entire squad on captire point with single mag

IL-2 is problematic simply because damage model is still broken

Dude I play both sides nearly equally and what you’re saying is delusional

The only tank Germany gets in Normandy that I’d even dare to call bad is the PzIV J and its still alright and can rail all of the US tanks frontally at the cost of playing like a casemate.

Wow you can do that with literally any automatic weapon lmao
Its always MUH PPD with germain mains good LORD

Damage models have been fixed across the board as far as I’ve experienced since the patch that released Tunisia.

No bro just ignore them and let them ruin the game bro why tf are you made bro just ignore all the tank lineups outside of germany get completely ruined
I never bothered with the WT forums, but you can bet your ass I’ll do my best to keep the game balanced with an objectivity even if I despise your average germutt main