Balance Use of AP Mines

Yea man happen way too often and then the enemy would just suddenly vanish

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maybe. Opinions differ from person to person. Any paratrooper that I see that drops straight on point or straight on an active rally area is just mince meat. Requires a bit more thought with drop zone, plus some leg work. (not what most do)


Yea I usually try to drop behind enemy line (like how they would irl) and build rally then search for enemy rally I think it pretty helpful

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I basically stopped using paratroopers. The way your bots are falling so slowly and for so long time now is pathetic. Most of them usually die. So you more or less only ever have one soldier out of the whole squad that you play as.
Really cool “fix” for the parachuting AI. Since that update, I really do not understand any person who’s bitching about how paras are so OP.


pretty much. I basically suss out the flow of reinforcements with a different squad. Then If I feel like I have identified a hole that I can slip into to breakup reinforcements, I use paratroopers…

but never as a first or common spawn…only when I have a feel for the other teams movements.

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ach Conscript_Joe
If you place TNT on spawnbase you need atleast few Time to watch and wait, its worth it.

The killed enemys should appreciate my time effort… i wait for them, i take my time for them.
I like it when i get killed by this way and say: smart enemy not greedy for simply destroying Rally.

But i´m open for other solutions too.

Remember Battlefield Jihad Jeep? Thats the Creativity of Players not toxic.

I don’t understand why certain people seem to care about honor and toxicity when an enemy rally point is a genuine problem that has the potential to allow the opposing team to reach the objective sooner and more frequently.

Getting to an enemy rally requires either a long walk, an obvious paradrop or, and more usually, fighting through the enemy to reach the rally in the first place.

For such a massive headache to barely give you any score by default simply by shooting it, people would be more incentivized to trap it and potentially score more.

Honor be damned, use basic situational awareness to know if a rally is trapped. Seeing a rally with no friendlies nearby turning grey for about 10 seconds then turning blue is a risky spawn.

To what degree is instant squad wiping acceptable? Apply the same logic to CAS periodically dumping ordnance on fixed spawns, or tanks watching a corridor like a hawk. Those are all likewise avoidable with some awareness.


The maps are too cramped that you dont have many places to put rallies. All the good places are too obvious or way too far away. No one wants to build an rally point 100+ meters from the objective just because there is an risk for it getting mined


You are spawnkilling an entire squad - the threat of a rally is done once you shoot it. There is no need to punish someone trying to simply spawn, destroying a rally is already very impactful and punishes the enemy team greatly - disabling a player by spawnkilling takes him away for like almost a minute, which is insanely punishing for the enemy team.


unfortunately people will exploit that as it gets you free extra points, I use this too myself sometimes even though I am against to this, you do what you do.

Devs should do something about it as it is just lame that’s all.

I would suggest increasing the points for destroying the rally point, 55 points is ridiculous considering the amount of effort involved. Then this toxic behavior could be dealt with.


And you’re casually forgetting the effort it takes to reach an enemy rally in the first place.

Do you think lives weren’t spent finding, fighting for and then trapping a rally?

This is a reward earned.
A punishment that is avoidable.


more points would be enough, making such a trap is just terribly irritating, dying right after spawning from some random explosion is also not very nice, but at least it was a random event and not that someone DELIBERATELY decided to make the situation unpleasant for you.

this is just awful and I hope the developers change it despite some lame logic you put forward about it.


No one should be allowed to spawn on the front lines without some sort of catch and this is the price you pay if you use these things.


Dude its not the battle of the somme to get to a rally point lmfao
“I EARNED that nine man that happened to spawn in on the rally I found while pushing their spawn”
The reward is removing the spawn
And you find them all the time just by clearing the surroundings of points
Its not some massive ordeal to find and neutralize them like some people in here are acting like
" A punishment that is avoidable ."
Lmfao shut the fuck up


can’t wait for ‘destroyed rallies’ counter in the endgame screen to show how you can destroy 5+ rally points each game EASILY.

The translated logic here is merely:

“I’m a troll that likes to troll.”

Nothing more to it.


Look at it from a new player’s perspective, you might be okay with this toxic behavior. But guess what, if a new player were to die like this, they would most likely be discouraged. In most cases, they probably don’t even know how they died.

There is already a mechanic in game that stops you from spawning when there is a combat zone nearby or enemy nearby. This is clearly to avoid people from spawn camping these rally points. This can easily be implemented with mines in mind. Don’t be pathetic about it, there are 100s of ways to rack up kills without a toxic method that involves exploiting spawning mechanics.


If you really want to protect the new players make it a BR III thing and overall you should not be able to place a rally point near the objective without some sort of catch.

That’s actually a very solid argument. Better than trolls creating their own to justify… well, being trolls.

There wouldn’t be such a mechanism if it was intended.

But ap mines need to be reworked either way. Not nerfed per say, should still be deadly. But you should never be able to run and casually drop it without looking while it becomes magically active and correctly placed.

Hell. It makes LESS sense than running with flamethrowers, yet here we are, you cannot run with em anymore.

Perhaps preventing spawn when ap mines are close to a rally, would also being a good idea.


I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ll basically “destroy” the rally point but the enemy wont be notified
Could be even more significant than just blowing up one squad without any effort whatsoever.