Balance Use of AP Mines

Recently I’ve noticed that people abuse the fact that you can spawn kill entire squads by simply placing an AP mine on rally points and walking 20m away. This can easily be fixed by not allowing people to spawn when there is a mine within 5m. This is clearly an exploit from developer oversight and is becoming a more prominent tactic and the lack of limitations on which class can place mines means any this will only get worse as more people figure this out.

I’m not asking for crazy changes, just few recommendations:

  1. Don’t allow people to spawn in a mined rally point(this is pretty much just abusing spawnkilling), this isn’t excessive request.
  2. Make mines a specialized equipment where only Engineer class or demolition class soldier can equip them. This will limit the spam of mines and encourage the use of engineer class or any other class other than assault.
  3. This is an observation but it seems that the AP mines detonate like they’re claymores with 5m radius, this seems excessive tbh.

This just seems like changes that could be made for quality of life enhancements for the gameplay as the meta of spamming AP mines everywhere is cancer and spawnkilling with them is a whole another level of toxic.


If your rally get mined you placed it in a risky place or the enemy pushed you back and you didn’t replaced it.


That doesn’t change the fact that it’s spawn killing and exploit game mechanics.


with how fast pace this game is we need AP mind to slow it down so they’re not changing unless we address how fast pace this game is


Is not an exploit but indeed a mechanic of the game, a right punishment if you allow me


yea just mine an enemy rally since they place it in a very obvious spot and got 9 kill

and since no one else try to destroy it (this is like my first time doing this tbh since i mostly dont bother mining it)


The actual radius is 1.4m, it’s just that when you spawn on a rally point, all your bots are clumped together and that’s why they all get killed

I agree with the post though, they could give players just a 1 second spawn protection when spawning on rallies, it would help counteract while also not being too abusable

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Make any rally point where a ap mine is dropped on, or very near, get automatically destroyed. Ppl popping out of a radio is already unrealistic, but spawn killing an entire squad that just appeared this way double down on that unrealistic, silly part.

Also, 3 to 5 seconds animation should be implemented when PLANTING ap mines, to avoid the ridiculous “drop a mine while you run” behaviour.

Honestly, placing ap mines on rps, is just toxic troll behaviour anyway. Just shoot the damn radio like a decent player should.


If the devs read this post and see my comment do not agree with the two previous replies above me unless we address how fast pace this game is



Don’t worry.

Devs already ignore what YOU usually post :stuck_out_tongue:


I know and if I talk enough they’ll hopefully ignore this post too

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when you build a rally, set your own mine on it, i did die this way today 2x.
and i did place 1x TNT on it.

so i would say its 2:1


The argument that mines slow down fast paced gameplay is baseless and it feels like you have certain biases with this tactic. I refuse to use it, you can perfectly mow down squads of 9 players with one magazine I don’t see the need to rely on this cheese/exploit tactic of spawn killing squads with mines.

Also you are punishing the entire enemy team not just the guy who placed it. They can easily make it a active combat zone if a mine is nearby, that only gets rid of your ability to spawn camp a rally point which in part is just cheesing to get kills my guy.

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When I see a teammate trying to place a mine on top of an enemy rp, I quickly shoot the damn radio and when I’m lucky, the dirty troll explodes with it :smile:

I hate toxic gameplay and trolls in general.


if I mine an enemy rally point that’s one less thing my team has to worry about and when it comes to the defenders it’s their job to make the attackers lose as much tickets as physically possible.


you got multiple things mixed up here:

  1. a safely placed rally cant be mined, since it wont be reached by the enemy

  2. a riskier rally offers more advantages (like flanking, proximity or being closer to the enemy grey zone) but is naturally counterbalanced by being more exposed to being destroyed, barbed or mined

—> its the rally builders obligation to place a rally responsibly and do the risk/reward calculation
—> rallies that get mined are a failure of the builders team to defend their spawn, not a game design problem
—> there are easy countermeasures against that, besides normal game play you can mine your own rally, so that the enemy wont be able to blow up a spawning squad

people need to start using their brains when playing strategy game instead of “ban this, ban that, nerf this too!”


I think mines are perfectly fine. Personally I’ve never mined an enemy rally point but I’m not against the practice

I think they’re doing the job their job as intended. They’re supposed to be sneaky traps


Sometimes I wonder if all the various elements of this game would truly realize their full potential on a gigantic battle mode and map.

Rallies would be more important because the objective and your own spawn aren’t a few feet away. A tank may have to worry about stepping on mines in a random field. For all you know that random building in the middle of nowhere could be filled with AP mines. Paratroopers can actually be used strategically around the map. Ammo boxes would be more common, and it was actually have opportunities where the enemy could actually find our “supply depots” for captured weapons. So many elements

Yes yes I know big action but everyone’s a critic and I have some nitpicks with it. Don’t jump to conclusions I still think the modder did a great job and I respect his work. I just think the vanilla experience scaled up could be cool


I have no issues with rally points and how they are except for the sole fact you can spawn into a mined rally point and get spawnkilled. I preferably don’t like spawn shields for rally points, my preferred solution would be just to destroy the rally point or not allow spawning on a mined rally point.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that it is spawn killing of a entire squad with no effort involved on the person placing the mine. If you want to farm kills, just get better at aiming why resort to this lowly tactic of spawnkilling.

Justify how you want, say it’s competitive or meaningful, but in reality it’s an exploit and a lame one of that. Since you’ve already crossed the spawnkilling line, why not allow people to go mine the enemy team’s spawn? Why not right?