Balance Use of AP Mines

i thought he talking about Parrot and gaurdianreaper :rofl:

It’s indeed a usual Parrot behaviour…

GuardianReaper0 doesn’t really complain that way, thought. I’m not on board with all his ideas, but at least what he says make sense most of the time.


Unless it involves Det packs, you telling me he doesn’t want them removed from game?
And yes he may have some good ideas, but his way of going about it, is wrong
You can never get a team to play together in any game, where there is, Event/BP/challenges.

yet he want to remove stuff, thinking it will bring all together, it would promote team work.

I know one thing that would help me to play as a team, not that, i don’t play, helping my team, anyway
give me player names in game, then i wouldn’t be following a bot.


Yes lol, i’m still seething about the Wp
They needed to be fixed, but no like this.

then nothing should be done vs suicide bombing either

Yes, exactly.

Agreed. They’re useless now.

I’m not saying “nerf ap mines to make em useless”
I’m saying: “make ap mines have a bit of sense (and prevent toxic play)”

3 seconds to place isn’t long. Just long enough to prevent rambos from running and dropping in enemy rooms which makes 0 sense.


HLL is an arcade game too
Just within its own limitations

Its nice, I used to shit on it, but i’ve really changed my mind in the last few weeks


Could also function like Hell Let Loose and just auto destroy when an enemy comes within a couple meters
Fixes this problem entirely without buffing or nerfing anything


What also fixes the problem,
is if you don’t spawn on a rally that has been greyed out for longer than a spawn time, of players 15 secs?
I build them, i don’t always spawn on my rally’s,
i like to come up from last point, and if rally goes down, i in good place to lay a new one.

How will becoming better help this matter? looking for enemy rally points is like the main tactic, it’s not a particularly difficult task, I do it in every game. If you see a rally point, you simply destroy it, why make the players’ experience even worse than that?


I don’t see what’s the issue with mining an enemy rally point.

What difference does it make whether you’re mined or an enemy tank or plane gets you the moment you spawn.

that’s right, just exploit that, AP rally points is for noobs I will set up a machine gun and mow down multiple squads.

I’m not an expert but at cursory glance it seems like Warthunders maps are massive. Maybe it’s the particular hardware of that game or maybe just a lot more stuff is happening in this game and the system can’t handle anything larger

As with most things I can just say well maybe one day

My crazy idea was basically giant map, 10 tanks, 10 planes, and 30 infantry (squads)

I don’t know if that will just make the console explode :rofl:

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Or we could just slow the game down considering the TTK is extraordinarily low.

Paratroopers disagree with you. Every place is a risky place nowadays.

Im of the opinion Rally points are free game. Risk/reward

…perhaps I am just an ass

I used to just destroy rallies…but evolved to mining them because it was the best way to “delay” reinforcements and create some space/disrupt

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You wipe an entire squad with no effort, this needs to change, nothing in the game can kill that amount of people without any risk involved.


I wouldnt say that. Its hugely risky and takes effort to actually get into a position to mine a Rally point in the first place. Behind the whole enemy front line.

Much less risky to spawn a plane/tank/mortar and fire a HE round/bomb at the point, which can kill alot more than that.

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I don’t mind dying at a mined rally, it’s very rare anyway.
But what I really hate is when right after I finish building a rally point, an enemy runs out, kills me and destroys the rally point. That infuriates the hell out of me.


Again, not if you are a paratrooper.