Balance Use of AP Mines

Yes, I know.

Ppl would wait in queue in the hope the rally becomes blue again.

Still makes more sense than “explode because you spawn” (which is unavoidable, unlike some less honest ppl claim).

I’m for just destroying rps instead, but :person_shrugging:

You can make the engineer/demolition class more usable by only allowing those classes employ mines and this balances or limits the amount of mines. At the moment, you can squad up to 9 regular joes and pop mines out like it’s the Golan Heights or something. It’s not like they were handing out mines to everyone in WW2 they had specialized soldiers usually demolition or engineers to handle mines and demining as well.

Me too, because I don’t have explosives and so binded to certain keys and I’m too lazy to place them the normal way. That’s why I basically only have EP and TnT on each soldier.

Still, I don’t think mined rally point is somewhat problematic. I think if someone just overspammed objectives with APs, that’s way bigger problem.

Anyway, the biggest problems with APs are that they don’t have any proper counterplay atm for how easy they are placed.

If you’re pushing for that you’re asking for AP mind bags and overall I agreed with low level but you’re not touching BR three or four or five we need it there to slow the games down.

and people at that level deserve an AP mine in the rally point

If you’ve seen guardian Reaper stuff in the past he already said on how you can clear a minefield especially if you have a few spare grenades

My main gripe with it too.

Running like a rambo and just dropping em in your wake. Makes no sense whatsoever. Saw a guy who assaulted a cap and just ran around doing just that.

If there were a proper mechanism to planting them, just like an engy place a rally, sandbags… or anything, I wouldn’t even complain that rallies get mined. Even only a 3 to 5 seconds placement time, which is short but enough to prevent running around like in Goldeneye.


Another shit post. Leave mines alone… we need innovation not baseless fickle suggestions about nerf. Place your rallys in better places.

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Yes, I totally agree with you.
I would simply give you a like, but I can’t for next 2 hours. That’s why I’m creating this completely useless reply to show my support.


Mines dont activate right away when you place them. There is a delay of few seconds

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you still can drop them like crazy, mines will activate itself, which ISNT the point.

point is to involve some effort to it.


Doesn’t matter, that’s not the problem. Heck, I wouldn’t even mind if that timmer was reduced, as long as proper placement animation or build timer is implemented to prevent monkeys from running n dropping with those bombs.

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I understand and being cautious and look helps too. It slows down the rambos. Mines are fine. Just because its annoying or most cant work around doesn’t mean it needs to be nerfed. Challenges are needed to make better player. It has nothing to do with game experience. More like a complaint to make things more convenient to the player play style.
There are rockets flying everywhere all the time, spam of tanks that can reach over 30 tanks ( which is super unrealistic) ect ect. You have mines use them too. I use mines all the time and i can tell you. Its rare finding someone using them. Only on highly competitive games and its not done correctly. Due to the high pace of the game most dont even think about it.

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Rambos are slowed down by mines dropped by other rambos while running and gunning.
Not ideal.


I dont run into AP mines after I realise that my enemies are using them, just peel yours if you run into an AP, if you know they are using them and still get blown up than its your own damn stupidity.

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i mean i wouldnt exactly call it stupidity when you are focusing on the point and forgot that mine exist or while you are in an intense gun fight.

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my main problem with nerfing AP mines that most players dont exploit them, its 4stacks that truely spam them, just like with impacts before.
Why punish everyone for something only a few spineless tryhard do?


That’s lame argument to be fair. As with how the community and playerbase is growing, and more videos and posts come out relating to mines and the game itself, this problem will only grow.

It’s a horrible meta of cheesing game mechanics to get free and easy kills. Someone here mentioned that it takes skill to reach an enemy rally point. That is laughably untrue as most maps are quite condensed if you focus around the objective and most of the time rally points end up in common places.

The only arguments I’ve seen in this thread in defense of mining rally points are completely ignoring the core fact that this is an exploit of spawn system. Whether you believe this hurts gameplay or not that’s up to you to decide. Most people will agree except for the sweaty try hards here who have adjusted to the mine meta and don’t want change especially positive gameplay change. Mines are excessive, you don’t see this issue in lower tiers as the newer playerbase hasn’t adjusted to this meta.


I could drop a TNT charge on the rally, wait for a squad to spawn and than detonate or just camp with MG, AP mines are not the only way to be a jerk.


You could, it’s true.

But all those other things require your input, minimal effort.

Dropped ap mines, require nothing.

Heck, the other guy claimed “challenges is what make good players”. He’s right. It’s why we ask a 0 challenge, 0 effort tool to be revised :smirk: make it challenging to actually spam.

Simply: not being able to run n drop carelessly.

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If you’re playing even moderately aggressively, yes you’ll get quite a few