Balance Use of AP Mines

I could drop a TNT charge on the rally, wait for a squad to spawn and than detonate or just camp with MG, AP mines are not the only way to be a jerk.


You could, it’s true.

But all those other things require your input, minimal effort.

Dropped ap mines, require nothing.

Heck, the other guy claimed “challenges is what make good players”. He’s right. It’s why we ask a 0 challenge, 0 effort tool to be revised :smirk: make it challenging to actually spam.

Simply: not being able to run n drop carelessly.

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If you’re playing even moderately aggressively, yes you’ll get quite a few

Those require actual human input though
And takes you more or less out of the fight if you truly want to babysit it

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It would be funny to forced your character into an animation. One where you actually prime the Mine instead of just toss it on the ground.


It’s exactly what I’m asking for.

Seriously those mines are supposed to be extremely sensitive trigger mines.

Yet we can drop em casually without fear in the middle of a sprint without even needing to look where it’s placed.

Makes no sense.


We don’t do sense in enlisted.


How about no and learn to build rally properly? Or you know? Like mine your own rally?

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thats exactly what i recommend, because i die very often when i try to put a tnt on it.

Mines are like Sandbags or Barbed wire, one CAS and everything is worthless

maybe a defuse all Mines nearby Perk for 1 Perkpoint would be a good solution

But then everyone would have it and mines would be pointless wouldnt they?

“Spot” mines maybe


The game is arcadey enough as is. No need to make it any arcadey, if anything it should be made to be more immersive.

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well then its your decision to take that Perk or not.

sounds very good, i prefer TNT anyway its just for helping and getting a solution

The only way to safely build a rally is to not build one at all. The whole idea of a good rally spots is to be close to capture point and more often than not, it’ll be in enemy play area and thus fair game.

Mining your own rally won’t do shit even if you cocoon it in sandbags because it’ll still destroy your spawn point. Sure you’re outfoxing the fox but is it still changing the situation at hand? You still lose the forward assembly and will be spending the next minute building another one. Hope you have allies that actually build rallies to recover and replace quickly.

If we wanna completely negate AP mining we add spawn protection like back in 2021; back when you could hear a rally regardless of what team it was on and the map was one big pepperoni pizza. It’d be a stupid quick bandage patch but one I’d honestly advocate for with stationary rallies if any anti-rally point measures were to be added. Alternatively, give soldiers mine detectors and give the ability to disable them. Or, if shooting the mine detonates it, have it so they don’t explode or do reduced damage to the one who shot it. It’s not realistic but there has to be some counter play to them. You’re not going to notice some random ass wine-bottle looking thing some neck the woods until you’re suddenly neutered by it and nevermind if it’s around the corner in a building.

While APCs don’t have this issue as bad, they’re still a topic to debate.

Destroying your own rally is the point of mining it and relocate the rally somewhere new, or you prefer building in the same spot and get mined again? I mean you do you, since is free exp for me

APC is just Free exp since you can’t hide them

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However DF does things at least they know one thing AP mines have some practicality in booby trapping rally points.

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The issue comes down to the lack of balance. Why should every soldier be able to carry a grenade and a mine? You can have 9 infantry all with AP mines and just run around the map and litter the objective or whatever you’re heart desires with almost no resistance and no counterplay against it.

The whole rally point mining shit is abuse, take it how you want of course. My biggest gripe is the lack of effort to getting free reward. There is no risk planting these highly sensitive triggered mines atm. A simple 2-3 second animation of planting the mines will go such a long way of getting rid of mine meta spam. Or at least make the user of the mine more considerate of when and where to place it.

The other balancing mechanic would be to have specialized classes to plant mines such as the good Ol’ Engineer class, or the AT/demolition class.

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yea it like in command and conquer general where the GLA faction can booby trap building

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That’s the same mentality as lightning doesn’t strike twice. You know as much as me, Nelson that majority of the Enlisted playerbase will leave an angle exposed for a while thinking they’ve outsmarted a competent player just because they cleared the area. It’s why Germany loses all their Normandy games.

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