Balance the game by switching to "Average BR"

This is important and touches on what @VoyoMayPL posted a thread about.

I haven’t witnessed BR V for myself, but from all accounts around here there’s a real problem emerging (perhaps unforseen?) with “fun” disappearing at any BR above III, and I think it has to do with the matchmaker and how BR is calculated per player. The best I can compare it to from my own experience is having a Tier I-II loadout and one MP40 bumps my entire battlegroup up to Tier III with then also has the absurd possibility of placing me in an uptiered match from there.

A player’s matchmaker BR should be an average of their vehicles and weapons combined (with heavy weight placement on tanks) thereby removing the fun-suck entirely, maintaining the BR matchmaking, and taking the game back to more familiar territory in terms of player composition per-match. ie high tier weapons MIGHT rarely be seen at Tier III-IV, and players who stack high end gear get placed with others who stack high end gear, while players who compose their squads more realistically maintain position in the middle BR’s.

I hope I explained this well enough and I’m sure there’s some downside that I hadn’t thought of. Thoughts, brethren?


GOD NO, you could bring the tiger 2 to low tier by filling the other squads with tier 1 weapons, this is just a horribly bad idea


Brother read
I said tanks would have to be weighted differently, obviously. It would virtually depend on your vehicle tier what BR you’re placed in

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again, its still shit, you could bring hight tier weapons like the stgs to tier 1 where 99% only has bolt action rifles, shit idea

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I think that situation could be avoided with some fine tuning, but thanks for your input.


The players will still trying to max out their strength at whatever BR allows.

Just give new players warning, like most of your weapons arent up to the top BR.


After some thinking and calculating it turned out that weighted average (with exponentially growing weight dependent on difference between max and average BR) works quite well.
Note: for calculations, 3 “best” squads are taken into account (with highest BR).

The main condition for this to work is “normal” BR system though (BR±1 etc. like in all other games). Not this weird 2 queue mutant that combines no benefits of BR with all it’s downsides.

Anyway, after tweaking and some more rules/conditions (like >BR.x gets only uptiers, different weight for vehicles etc.), weighted average of this design would allow you to take BR+1 weapon at a cost of taking multiple BR-1 weapons.

(26x BR1 + BR5)/27 = BR1,14
BR5 - BR1,14 = 3,86
BR5 * 2^3,86 = BR5 * 14,52 = BR72,6
(26x BR1 + BR72,6)/27 = BR3,65 ~ BR3,5

If you take BR1 gear only + one BR5 thing, you will end up in BR3 or BR4 (depends how we round up things).

So situations like this:

are basically impossible.

Compare it with the current situation: unlimited BR5 against BR3 vs many BR1 + BR5 against BR3.
Or with “normal” BR: unlimited BR5 against BR4 vs many BR1 + BR5 against BR4
(Depends how we round up.)


Exactly what was in my brain with the “doubling” at BR+1


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Big no

Big “Yes please !”

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All it takes is a single high tier gun for someone to top leaderboards and ruin the experience of the game. Nevermind the fact if everyone on a single team did that, it’d be literally nothing but Tier 5 vs. Tier 1 just like how it was pre-merge.


But by bringing a Tier V with Tier I, they are inherently Tier III. So no one with only Tier I would ever run into that player.

And that’s with ONE Tier V gun/tank.

The higher tiers stack weight in the averages the more numerous they are, in theory. @VoyoMayPL is the math wizz, not me.

Actually Br5 vs Br3.
Sounds familiar?

That means other one could aslo do that practice, a balance made

Keep spamming this and wasting your time as it will never happen.

It’s more complicated and more easly abusable system, so bad idea overall

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Deliberately downtiering oneself to Tier 3 with a Tier 5 weapon is not any better when as I said, all it takes it a single high tier weapon.
Tier 1 players see Tier 3 as it is, therefore, my point still stands as it’d be pre-merge and be Tier 5 vs Tier 1.
All this system does is ruin Tier 1-2 to be how Tier 3 is now when nothing is wrong with 1-2.

It happens already withthis cursed 2 queue system. But now it’s unlimited.

With weighted average the ammount of guns would be limited. Also, while you will farm br3 with your one br5 weapon, all your br3 enemies will farm you when you end up with your br1 for most of the match.

No, it wouldn’t be.
But you all ppl are too stupid to understand primary school level math. And your only argument is “reee king tiger vs br1!!!1!” while I’ve proven it’s impossible.

I understand that ppl have concerns. But reeing based on nothing but “feelings” and ignoring arguments of the other side is worthless and solves nothing.


Hopefully the devs will actually consider this and ignore the kids who fell asleep in math class

The problem is unless it would have 5 different queues, nothing would really change.
And even bringing only one BR5, you would have basically very high chance to end up in pure “BR5 match”.

Current system would be okay with 5 seperate queues as well. There’s literally no difference, only this average BR system is more complicated and unnecessary.

Your average BR system would be pointless with only 2 queues exactly the same way how the current one is.

How do you figure this? One BR5 weapon would not make the player’s BR 5