Balance the game by switching to "Average BR"

Except one weapon wouldn’t mean you suddenly end up at higher br + higher uptier.

No, not really.
You need majority of weapons to get to the next br and imo this is much more fair.

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So what is this?

It would meant you are going into higher queue. Since there would still only 2 queues. This system would not have any real advantage.

The only real balance measurements are queues, not BRs.

Well ideally there would have to be 3, BR1-2(average) BR3(average) BR4-5(average)


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Current system would be way better with 3 queues as well. And it is way less complicated :man_shrugging:

So we’re kind of saying the same thing just with different methods.

Either way we have to figure out how to tackle this problem of uptier/downtier

Exactly, it doesn’t really matter which system you’ll use. Number of queues matters for balance, nothing else.

This average br system would not work with only 2 queues.

I guess my main gripe is that 1 soldier’s firearm can completely shift the BR of an entire battlegroup, regardless of whether or not the rest of their gear is Tier 1. Solving that + matchmaker is my focus

It’s pointless nitpicking until we’ll have more than only 2 queues. And devs obviously do not want add more queues, even though they were bombarded with suggestions to make at least 3 queues.

It is extremely naive to think they would implement this “average BR system” which needs several queues to work properly

Currently it is only queue 1 (BR1-3) and queue 2 (BR3-5). And since devs do no want increase numbers of queues, implementation of average BR would not solved anything. Since both queues would still have very significant power level differences.

That’s why average BR system is unrealistic. Because Devs do not want more than 2 queues rn.
And if they did increased number of queues, even the current system would be way more balanced. Yeah, you would be still in disadvantage once you’ll reach new BR, but that’s not that significant. That’s just nitpicking.

So making it deliberate and able to be exploited on purpose by players makes it somehow okay?
I said all it takes is a single gun to ruin the experience, you don’t need very many at all.

You already stated this is how it’d work. So yes, it would infact be worse.

It would limit it and introduce a downside. So yes, it would be better.

So you have a problem that I could “farm” br3 with my one br5 weapon (not a vehicle) but you completelly ignore that for most of the time those br3 players will farm me with my br1 equipment.
And all it takes is 2 bullets to make me play with br1 guns only.

I don’t see how one br5 vs br3 is worse than full br5 vs br3. I guess they teach you different math.

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Now with handy sheet to calculate sheet on your own!
(I hope it works.)


If the BR 1-2 would be locked entirely, then this could work.
But regardless of “weight” of equipment X or vehicle Y.
Im totally against anything above BR2 to appear in BR 1-2 games.


Of course we need more queues, but I’m afraid devs won’t consider to do that until all nations have their equal equipment to face each other on a given Tier, and right now we very much lack proportionaly good top Tier V equipment for USA (mainly tanks) and a whole Tier V for Japan.

When we get enough toys to play with on all Tiers for all nations then queues can be more separated. I would love it to be at least I-II / III / IV-V, or just ±1 for all Tiers.

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Because as I said,

You’re DELIBERATELY downtiering a gun that shouldn’t be at Tier 3 in the first place, justifying it by saying “Oh, well, they get downtiered to Tier 3 anyway”.

That’s the complete opposite of ‘better’

I justify it by saying that it would come with a massive downside unlike now.

Then I guess unlimited access to superior gear is better. For reasons unknown.

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You have made it clear to me that bringing a full BR 1 lineup with a single Tier 5 weapon makes it Tier 3, correct?
Thus, that implies Tier 1-2 people are now capable of facing said Tier 5 weapon, unlike it is now.

No they would not.
I assumed BR±1 system so without any additional rules, BR2-3-4 would face this SINGLE BR5 gun.
And with additional rules I’d like to also add (>BR+0.5 can’t be downtiered), it would face only BR3-4.

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Nah son, BR5 is meta and sweat fest, only the best at it get to be the top… and is a BR that you can’t get a damn score since everyone is competing for it

And that’s one of the reasons why I want weighted average MM.
So I can use my one/two StGs and not face full sweat pros with F-ing doomstacks.

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