At least test matchmaking with BRs and reasonable historical restrictions

Why dont you have fun? Killing is part of the game, even if your tank cant pen the other tank from the front…

As of 2021.
But dont worry. Soon TM they will remove it.

They never wanted it, still dont want and they wont in the future.

It’s frustrating to see a lot of people on the forums “resign themselves” to welp, this is the way the game is gonna be when it currently has so much potential for something better, I guess it’s what it comes down to.

I didn’t mean to get testy with you lot, apologies need more coffee


nah it’s " cool ".

i can get that.

but it’s not a form of resignation.
it’s more of, " alright, we tried from 3 years and it didn’t worked. time to try with something else ".

at the end of the day, sure, i understand the frustration, and believe me. it is annoying and somewhat disrespectfull to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for where we are today.

but, spending energies with someone who disagrees only muddies the water and rarely solves anything.

what instead we should focus on, is i guess spamm more threads about custom games. or generally find a solution within the game.

and if we ever wanna find a compromise or an actual solution, we have to make it through customs.
proves that there are numbers for it and demands it, to then push it as perhaps a second matchmaker down the line.

will it work?

worth a try though.

which, i feel like HA would have been somewhat more easier to prove over pves because unlike pves, you can make HA stuff by profiles and what not.
or even make some communities milsim ( which i know over the discord there are some )

( as opposed to pves since i can’t lock the slots of players and what not )

therefore, there aren’t many, or simply not many people are willing to put on the weight and make something that they want.

don’t get me wrong, not everyone is a modder nerd like me or as much as the next modder, because busy life etc.

but yeah… over 150k people that plays this game, not many came forward with that.
so idk if there is a market.

i will have more concrente numbers when i’ll be able to publish my HA pves, but that’s gonna be a long shot.

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Everybody wants HA until they realize what it actually means. That one side will get crushed, every time.

HA means no more FG42s, M2s, AVTs on every soldier. US is the only faction that gets widespread semi autos. No more attack planes for Germany, they get bombed every five minutes. And completely destroyed in Berlin. No more prototypes for Soviets, also Japan becomes totally unplayable.

This is a video game, balance (including asymmetrical balance) and fun are always more important than historical accuracy. You can’t have both at the same time, because war isn’t balanced.

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Go play Rising Storm and tell me how one side with semi-autos is “imbalanced”.

The problem stems from the actual mechanics of the weapons. Semi autos could easily be balanced by increasing recoil (which is needed across the board for all weapons tbh)

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To my knowledge the Federov was mainly issued in the early war due to a lack of sufficient stock of SMGs. But it did serve in WW2.

i think thats exactly what the people who say this want tbh, is a way to refuse to argue

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“I’m topping leaderboards by camping the greyzone and spamming HE when I’m not bunnyhopping through buildings with full-auto LMGs” - the game is perfect

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That doesn’t address my point.

I have no issue with semi autos. What I’m saying is that the US was the only country that fully replaced bolt actions with semi autos, so in an accurate game, they would be the only faction to have them widespread.

So do you really think that in this game, people would truly be ok with replacing almost all of their FG 42s and SVTs/AVTs with Kar98ks and Mosins? Definitely not. And that’s when the implementation of historical accuracy starts to fall apart.

You’ve never played:
Darkest Hour
Forgotten Hope 1 + 2
Hell Let Loose
Rising Storm / Red Orchestra

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Almost all of those games have no (real) grind, have locked classes with limits and better maps.

So…just proving my point that they are simply better games with half the “content”

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Personally, the vast majority of my squads use their bolt actions with the occasional SA sprinkled in. For example, for my Riflemen maybe one or two will have Gewehr 43s and SVTs while the majority have the bolt action

And I wouldn’t give every single of my Americans M2 carbines, maybe in a single squad one or maybe 2

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Also, who cares what the people stacking squads full of FG’s and AVTs think? I doubt it’s how the devs envisioned the game being played. If that makes those people unhappy, then all the MORE REASON to do it

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If you dont like games with low limits, why you came in the first place?

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The same devs that give engineers in premium squads SMGs, AR or MGs, always were against restricting stuff…
Pretty sure they post a different post on Enlisted Facebook.

remember when this game went open beta and it was advertised as a historical WW2 shooter? that’s why

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I’ve thought to myself that maybe they should make the Engineers and such in Premium squads not have the same weapon as their other class squadmates.

So if you have a Premium MG squad only the MGs has the unique weapon and the Engineer you can give him whatever rifle you want

It was also the same advertisment video that included Jumbos on D-Day in their ad video.
i think that was also the same time where the FG was already a everyman weapon.
I als remember the devs later admitted that they basically lie in their advertisment and that they have their own weird definition like Buritto (if stuff was eventually around maybe it should be included) and dont like limits.

it’s really a sad state of affairs that this game has no sense of identity or direction

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