At least test matchmaking with BRs and reasonable historical restrictions

I’m pretty sure most of us got this game because we were looking for a WW2 shooter, if we were looking for some generic shooter we would’ve played Cod or Battlefield

This game has a lot more immersion than say Battlefield V or Cod WW2

We might as well just go “LMAO xD Soviets invading the beaches of Normandy”

What’s the point of playing a WW2 if there isn’t at least some integrity. I am not a 101% historical accuracy-er. My view is this, we can have prototypes and all that stuff for what if, but maintain order for the definitive things.

You can have late war Soviet prototypes guns in Berlin because that is the closest period to them, but I don’t want to see Panthers in North Africa or Stalingrad. It’s about maintaining some sort of atmosphere. I don’t mind the Stg 45 but I don’t want to see it in Normandy, just Berlin

I wouldn’t even mind the Maus as long as it’s only in 1945 Germany


It’s clearly Stalingrad. I’ve been to Volgograd, I’ve seen those streets.
They are real places from a real battle and having weird fantasy weapons like AS 44 there is literally disrespect towards the people who painstakingly recreated the city in digital form (same as Berlin, to be honest)

Other game shits its pants = let’s have our game shit its pants too.
What is this logic mate?


we should have killed the AS-44 Model 5 baby when it was still in the crib but now we’re stuck with it.

No one said they weren’t going to…
The helpers said a third test wasn’t confirmed, not that it wasn’t going to happen.

Maybe. Maybe not.
Tech tree mostly correlates to BR, but not entirely. So they can choose to remove things from certain maps if they so choose.

Doesn’t matter anyway. This game stopped being accurate a long time ago.

This is a really easy argument to dismiss every other claim.

I genuinely don’t think it is fair to compare Jumbo that was late for Normandy for a couple weeks or T-50 that existed for a while by the time Battle of Moscow happened but wasn’t documented there with insanity liie RPD in the streets of Stalingrad.

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i wouldn’t disagree particulary.

but again, majority of the playerbase for enlisted are made out by kids and really averange casual players to our dislike.

hardcore players just like me and you are of niche.

therefore, despite being a game of ww2 we’re bound to accept the arcade stuff as the main game.
because barely any games that were HA managed to survive long enough on a live game of the caliber of enlisted.

so, the focus shouldn’t be about changing the base game ( even though, arguably important ) but allow customs to have more management and settings as well xps. but the latter is a fever dream.

because i came to peace and realization this game will never be HA unless you make it.
which it’s fine. not everyone likes it.

but then the focus should be on better improvements for customs & mods.
too bad priorities on mods are else too.
which some individuals getting too lousy and keep begging while spamming threads for other things that are external which still won’t cover primary and most needs of basic function of custom games as the world custom should imply.

and, as i’m all for accountability and making expectations come trues:

when a community manager says:

so we have to work towards that goal and make sure that becomes the case.

it’s just needles and pointless to waste time behind changing something that you can’t change just because it does not allign with your own goals.

instead, we should create those.


Imo the game should totally drift to costum with the option of do quick normal battle, and the costum need be expanded with better option for editing already existent mission

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that’s just not true. Even the forums are split 50/50 and that’s hardly a representation of total game population


exceptions don’t prove the rule

that would be great,
but realistically speaking, not gonna happening any time soon.

devs don’t really do make money behind customs.

which it’s why xps were limited to day one and forget about it.
( because it backfired " spectacularly " where they had to reback and abandon it )

but you’re totally right on expand and better options for customs.

because it’s truly lacking at best.

No it doesn’t lol. When did Gen Z get the idea that balance is a 1:1 carbon copy of what you use except on the opposite team. Go read a history book, starting with WW2

Because there’s no improvement on them from wen they get released, a bit of work and they can become more popular of the quick battle, but if some improvement happen it come after the merge


not quite.

the reason why there isn’t alot of traction nor interest in custom games, it’s because it’s a two sided battle.

side A wants to grind the game through customs ( and most likely against bots )

side B wants to prevent side A from just doing that.

and not many changes have been made because people just overlook those threads.
majority is in the mentality of " it doesn’t affect me. so i don’t care ".

hence, 0 progress or changes have been made because those do not gets many likes.

custom games are not considered main part of the game as those should.

so, yeah lack of interest and somewhat support leaves it as it is.

it doesn’t help that those suggestions made by certain individuals are often to extremes of a point of being neglected because of such position and do not really think or make an attempt that comes close to objective thinking for the most part.

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Last time I have read a book, Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 was a rifle meant for paratroopers only and the Americans did not have Jumbos and M2 Carbines in Normandy and the Germans no Tigers on the beaches or like half of the German planes that are grindable in Normandy and the first P-38 was phased out in Europe by 44.
I also think that the Fedorov was not issued by 1945.

Yeah, I know. I want historical accuracy. Only fallshirmjagers should be able to equip FG42s, bolt action rifles should be the most common weapon etc. In fact, I’m for per-squad weapon limits when it comes to machineguns and automatic rifles.
if that means facing a KV1 in Moscow, cool. It was used in that battle.


I see, how dare anyone kill you in a multiplayer shooter. We should all be falling before your mighty meta spam eh?

God you people act like because Jumbo is in Normandy RIGHT NOW, it’s all set in stone and there’s nothing we can do, woe are we.

It’s a beta. They can literally delete the Jumbo from Normandy if they want to

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and you expect devs to … somehow move or outright remove gold order weapons just because those are no historical accurate?

i can get behind the jumbo.

like, it could be moved in generic france maps or for example, battle of the bulge etc.
but how do you intend to make that work for gold order weapons or any other proto stuff?

you know that you do not share devs ideas. nor they shares yours. right?

but yeah. that’s beside the point.

as said, since you can’t really change the base game, we should instead make those said changes usable through customs.

so yours offsprings / rants to others serves no one purposes.

@CaptainSebekel @ZebulonBVance stop it, there is no need to go personal in this discussion, both of you have a different pov on the matter and i think you understand you cant agree each other

You’re right, it’s completely insane to expect them to add maps in the future that would reasonably accommodate these tanks and weapons /s

Normandy maps are all we will ever fight on, for ever and ever and ever… :thinking: :nerd_face:


idk read?

( he did adressed those points in the past. so, can’t blain you for not reading what has been said in the past. but jumping at conclusions rarely helps )