Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

The more you adding restrictions to MM the worse it’s gets, you could wait your queue very long time keo bring a very good example of it in his post.

forget “moscow”
its just a winter map.

forget the moscow name even existed lol… is that hard to get?.. and the game will provide 2 tanks against eachother that dont demolish the balance.

like tiger vs t60.

will be tiger vs is-2

Where it’s not balanced?
IF IS-2 come to moscow, tiger 2 gonna be his enemy, not some pz 2. Same with guns.


The alternative is, if you want to play US normandy, to exit the battle any time it’s tunisia or japan?

And just like that the game is no different than Call of Duty Vanguard and Battlefield V, minus all the women running around.


Well, we will expand custom battles feature a lot, so you can create or find lobby in there for historical experience


Better than waiting 2 minutes just to get a match with unbalanced teams

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yes because we will use stgs as soviets and is-2s as germans.

… dude…


please tell me Xp increases lol

Daily reminder you get punished more for playing a custom game than you do for deserting a battle

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In terms of some TTK and other gameplay features, every game is different in something.

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By the way, your profile picture is very cute…
I feel very familiar with the developers of this game because they all have cute profiles. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Every staff member is a brony or furry. No exceptions.


As am aware there is no restrictions to exp if you meet requirements to get full experience.

That’s wonderful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Please, let’s stay on topic here.


would it average out the equipment you use since i use larp squads such as in berlin where my germans are a mix of whatever i throw on them ranging from the kriegsmodel, vg1-5 to mp43s and fg4IIs?

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If like this then fine, flexible constraint to be disabled in case of too long queue time is acceptable. But Keofox looks like refusing to take any restrictions.

Which was pretty dumb because only like the top 3 Custom Games can get out of the bottom XP tier, as barely anyone played Custom Matches.

Which meant trying to make your own custom game and get people in was a bust as nobody wants to join an near-empty one as it gives no XP.

If they plan on making Custom Games the go-to location for Historically Accurate Battles, they really need to ensure it’s plausible to get a Cutom Game off the ground.

okay, but did you read my post? what exactly restriction it brings? with starter equipment you can play ANY of the campaigns so what is dividing the playerbase in specific? i did read keofox explanation thats why i asked, my post was a reply to his

I think it will use max possible tier, no middle ground here.