Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Simple ! Call US Air Force


He’s correct on the balance of probabilities. And that’s really all that matters.

The day…

The day my mannlichers became the new meta, and the bane of new players.

Dunno if I should laugh or not. Oh well.

Ppl wanted this :person_shrugging:

Wont be enough :rofl::rofl:

this is what Forlorn is talking about. If you allow players to choose maps, youre just creating more rules for the system that ultimately nullifies the entire point.


Simple make a prioritise Button

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my honest opinion on this (not referring to OP only to the mentioned topic) is that enlisted was set up badly from the beginning the progression rework should have arrived at the end of 2021 before stalingrad, what we see here is simply the result of a messy management of the development team that requires efforts and compromises to be fixed, one would have to make a clean slate and start from scratch but that is not even possible and therefore this roundabout is generated which always brings us back to the same point.


How? The game isn’t so unbalanced that having better weapons = win.
Skill trumps everything, even in Enlisted. And it isn’t SBMM, it is just a “BR”, like War Thunder.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve run circles around people with a better tank. Because I was simply better

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Literally the main purpose of a new system is to unite the playerbase, and people actually come by and say “nah how about we don’t”


Higher level players have a higher chance to be also better. There might be some that suck, but on average he is right that those matches are likely to be very sweaty. And that’s just how it is.

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Just because you have late war equipment doesn’t mean you’re good.

Correct, but let’s face it, if people have stuck around for this long to grind for it, it’s not because they’re “bad”.

And the current system is bad for new players. No one likes having that one guy running around stomping your team. Well, except for that one guy having the “casual” experience

Correct again, but I was not advocating for keeping the existing system, nor making this a thing. This should be prevented, and any “standard” matchmaking (let’s assume a ranked mode did come into play for a second) could have a very basic form of skill-based matchmaking to prepare for this, which could be from win rates, kda, military rank score, etc (I know all of these have a few flaws and shouldn’t be used as simply as that, but you get the idea) to somewhat “balance” the AVERAGE of each teams. Sure, you’re still gonna unfortunately get some stomps, but greatly reduced from what it is now, where about 80% of the games I play are an easy stomp for one side.

(This is just an example, I’m not advocating for this exact method, but something along these lines)

Fair point.

I don’t think this is possible right now due to the low playerbase, but perhaps in the future they could make it a thing.
If they did add something like it, I think ranked should be the default, so new players don’t unknowingly match into battles with high-skilled players and get curb-stomped.
I’ve quit many games due to this reason.

My apologies if I came off as hostile, I just don’t like it when top players whine (not saying you were) for a “casual” experience, but in reality they just don’t want to be bother to play against people who can beat them; rather playing against bad players they can easily stomp


And playing egainst will be more difficult

So they’re fishing for Call of Duty and Battlefield players now? Sad to see where this game a heading honestly.


Because it will not solve a problem at all, the more you adding restrictions to MM the less it will be useful for bunch of ppl it’s really good writed by keo in this topic:


Oh so cute you think things will change ?
Tell me real try harders are like what ? 1% max ? we are pretty rare among the flow of casual (to not say anything else)
If MM dont find any of us to counter … ull get rolled exactly the same than before
The thing casual dont understand is : if ure bored to get rolled just git gut thats all

Am I the only one confused here…

For years the community have been begging for changes to the Campaigns System… they do it and people complain.

Like… what? No one is offering an alternative system either, everyone’s just saying the change they wanted to happen is now bad and shouldn’t happen :expressionless:


We trying to provide better MM and balance, community is asked a lot about it.


And complain about the devs taking away something that was never a focus of the game in the first place.

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By having Tigers and IS-2s in Moscow, STG44s in Moscow and Stalingrad, Fedorovs in Stalingrad, LADs in Moscow, FG 42s in Moscow and so on?