At least test matchmaking with BRs and reasonable historical restrictions

Its just a direction you dont like.
Devs want arcade.

I would admit that, if it were true.
There is no direction, period. Changes made are reactionary (cap-time buffs/debuffs), weapons are added with no consideration for how they will perform with regards to maps, and now we’re left with this arena-shooter/Battlefield-wannabe/miss-mash of gameplay ideas and mechanics that don’t work well in tandem AT ALL

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I dont know how this shows a lack of game strategy vision.
The devs have their vision and most elemets are pretty arcade-ish or just copied from War Thunder.

Same here. My US lineup is the only one with all semi autos. Having all M2 carbines/auto rifles is really boring


I don’t mind arcade, but I think everyone has their limits and lines. I think there is a balance between “arcade” and historical accuracy. For me it’s about maintaing some semblance of atmosphere

In my view you can still use whatever you want, as long as it fits the period, regardless of statistical balance. Me and the devs may both have a general “arcade” mentality, but different notions of how it should be.

So for example, no Panthers in Stalingrad, no Dicker Max in Normandy, No MP 3008 in Moscow, Stg 45 but only in Berlin, Maus but not in Normandy


And I only led to troubles.

I would absolutely not call myself hardcore.

I just get blood running out of my eyes when I see RPD on top of Tiger 2 in Stalingrad.
Really don’t think that’s too much to ask in a WW2 game even for a “casual” player.


you sure are one given your history about every inaccuracy
( rightfully so in a sense and perspective )

well, look at it this way,

what we want and need, is through customs.

so… how about we make something instead.

you’ll be the head, and i’ll be the arm.

so, since you are russian from what i understand, how about you send me in pms something that you know and would like to see in every small detail and i’ll try to make reproduce it it into mods so we can prove something or have an ideal play ground for ha?.

sure, not ideal, and won’t really sway much.

but i’d argue we’ll have to start from where. right?

( i have few ideas of mine, but currently doing a police mod )

Haha me too. My usa infantry have garands, british smles, italian caraconos, germans kars, mannlichers

Only my paras have fg 42s. Etc etc.

Part of the fun for me

Ofcourse i have the odd elite squad, but they are usually held in reserve

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The problem is the fact that customs aren’t really that popular. The highest population will always be the main experience That’s why we are trying to influence the main experience direction

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That’s my plan to. That’ll be the upside of having so many squads after the merge. You can have your more historically-oriented squads and then more elite squads at the same time.

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there has been a couple of influx in customs.

but people quickly abandon it because of lack of support.

heck, you can’t even 1v1 a friend if you’d like to or set a precise number of players.

basic function of a custom game.