Armory: New Shipment!

I doubt it was only planes and not tanks. I have never seen planes in Stalingrad being used so extensively.

Can you share replay? :slight_smile:

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30 plane kills without dying in 20 minutes…that’s 1 kill every 40 seconds…yeah right

No replay needed.
Look at the scores of both teams.
As suggested, this is clearly 2 opponent players working together.
As 1 axis player got 30 kills and no deaths, the last allied player got 30 deaths and no kills.


Lol, it’s pretty much obvious then. You are right.

This kind of crap should be easily punishable.

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really love the pictures.

reminds me of Conrad

mixed with leonardo di caprio, but we don’t talk about that.

it’s cool.

and the soviet reminds me of Ivan Sidorenko

perhaps strange coincidences. but really iconic and well made.

beside that, glad of the new event format, i hope more will be like this one.

great rewards too,

good job to everyone :slight_smile:

Fixed your statement. I do agree though, 8 would be better but alas we got 4, usually we only get 2.

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See? It’s getting progressively better. :smirk: Hopefully we’ll see 8 next time.

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But if we increase the quantity, what’s the point to make it an event instead of a progression item?
Imo the whole reason of this is to add something unique to the game in low numbers. Otherweise it’s just another gun like 100s of others.

Ehhh… I don’t get it. I chose to pick 4 x MP41 so I can fully equip my squad. If there was option for 8 orders, I would do the exactly the same for the lanchester as well.
And after 7 day, it will became unobtainable nevertheless.
Plus you need to consider majority of players would not even get all 8 orders.

I really don’t understand why it shouldn’t be unique anymore.

Same goes for MP-717 too. I have like ±70 copies of this game. But after certain period of time, it will become unique as well.

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4 lancasters and 4 MPs or…
8 MPs…

So 2 full assault squads. At this point it’s a bit too much to be concidered unique imo.

Nah, I disagree. Plus I would be very surprised if those event weapons never weren’t recycled for another event again.

Plus they could easily do 2 different orders 4x
It’s just meh to have more than half of levels completely blank.

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If something is avalable in big enough numbers, it’s not unique. That’s how it works, nothing to disagree about.

But as we know “” “” “nobody” “” " likes limits so we are doomed to have piles of worthless junk.

Except game has ~2y now and so far only 2 (?) weapons were recycled?
It’s quite different to get 2x4 guns within 2 years and 8 guns in a week (+8 after 2y if event also repeats).

So MP-717 will never be unique I guess.

The soviet one looks like someone who’s just seen something WTF through his scope and trying to elaborate.

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It will be unobtainable but not unique.
At least imo.

With time when it’s quantity drops due to players quitting, it may become more unique gun.
But devs will for sure do some events with it.

Look at his stoic expression.
He is literally me

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I don’t think their rarity is tied to how many are in a given player’s inventory.
The biggest factor is here in time exclusivity/limitation.

Majority of players will stop using event items next week after event ended. And you’ll not see those items in matches frequently anyway. Since those items aren’t special anymore for those players.

There’s is literally no difference in 4 or 8, lmao. I completed this even in 2 days or so. Why shouldn’t I be let to grind more orders?

Everyone could back then buy MP-41 (without r). And I do think it’s way more unique than current event weapons.


I understand your point.

Though if you have only 1-2 guns, you have completelly different mindset when playing them. Loosing this one gun in the battle is more emotionally impactful than loosing a gun you have 10 coppies of and can use them at any time. Especially if you like said gun.

Then make harder to obtain them, buut don’t artificially limit their quantity.

People who actually show some effort will be rewarded, but for majority of players those guns will still be rare af.

Currently, there’s no difference if you complete this event in few hours or in last minute.

But I guess majority of people would cry about how such event is hard and so on.

Except your idea is exactly the oposite of what I described.

Ppl will either not have the gun or will have a lot of them. So situation I described will not happen.

It’s not about me rarely seeing the gun in the battle. It’s about me seeing the gun in my inventory/hands and feeling special about it.

Yeah, those are your subjective feelings. I can’t do nothing with that. :tipping_hand_man:

I could say that like having only 4 slots, so I really need to think carefully which squad I will pick.
Should this limits others people options? I really don’t think so. Feelings are kinda irrelevant.