Armory: New Shipment!

Then why play games?
It’s all about emotions.

Except limited number of squads slots have a conciderable gameplay effect.
A choise between 2 similar guns doesn’t.

Nah, problem here is that your feelings about this particular topic contradicts with mine. So using it as argument is kinda irrelevant. Because it has pretty much same value.

But objectively I think it’s better to always have more options than not. The lack of option is based completely on making artificially something unique. Which I don’t think it’s good thing anyway. It just supports FOMO and stuff like that.


Except my way won’t cause fomo as “everybody” could get the gun. (For an event that is.)
You get not many guns but you get them without too much effort.
The same situation as before. Not many ppl vs not many guns.

Also more options =/= unlimited acces to everything. I’d even say it’s the oposite quite often.

That’s discussable since every event is FOMO in the first place.

Not sure about it.

Light tank vs heavy tank:

  1. No limits.

    • Both tanks spawn.
    • Light tank with a lot of skill and luck defeats the heavy tank.
    • A new heavy tank immediately spawns and effordlessly kill the light tank.

    Light tank feels all his effort was wasted. He is basically punished for playing the way he wants. He feels his options are limited if he wants to win.
    Heavy feels “lol get lost, I have a better tank with no downsides”.

  2. Limits.

    • Both tanks spawn.
    • Light tank with a lot of skill and luck defeats the heavy tank.
    • Heavy tank spawns after some time. Meanwhile light was able to help his team and maybe prepare ambush for the enemy tank.

    Light feels his acrions were impactfull. He can make a difference playing the way he wants.
    Heavy feels his oponent was better with worse gear and he got punished for lack of skill.

Of course scenatio is completelly made up but it ilustrates my point.

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I don’t know to what are you referring to.
But since player had to show sone effort to even obtain better tank via progression system. It kinda obv it should feel more rewarding to using it in battle.

Plus with upcoming BR system, such unfair situation should cease to minimum.

I just would love to have option to get 8 orders during this event. You don’t like this idea, I get it. Shame for me.

Is this mindless grind somehow worth more than skill of the other player?

Sure, it is a factor. Ideally grind should be quite easy but we all know how f2p games work.

I could disagree here and write another example but that would be heavy off topic.

Basically 10 StG vs 1 StG. You get the idea.


I didn’t know Enlisted is skill based game & definitely not targeting casuals.

I don’t understand but okay, whatever.

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How dare the two of you have a civil confrontation between two different opinions in a game forum? That’s inconceivable!


There is a difference between game being casual and not rewarding skill.

Not rewarding skill and hard work in general is a bad idea. (That’s why communism will never work kids.)

Short story:
I want to play with 5 guys with BA rifle and 1 Stg because freedom.
But I’m punished by the MM because I have to fight with guys who have 6 Stgs.

So I want to have fun but I’m being punished.

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Yeah, whatever. I don5 even agree with your LT vs HT scenario.
Since you can easily disable any tank and then farm infantry.
Tank vs tank encounters aren’t priority. Infantry can easily destroy any tank.

Tank balance in this game is extremely overrated. And progress in game should be rewarded as well.

That’s not freedom for me. If you want play BA only, you should create customs with people that has similar mindset.
Obv majority players of enlisted wouldn’t enjoy your “BA focused freedom”.

I’m affraid you didn’t fully understand the meaning of word “example”.

But it can be used for everything.
I’m sorry you can’t see a basic quality vs quantity relation.

It was an example ffs. Remove BA and replace it with low level semi auto if you have problem with it.

Also since when StG is BA? I guess it’s because of this evil BA bias I hear about.

I don’t think being forced to use less effective equipment for majority of time and then sometimes be lucky to use something better than stick would be enjoyable. At least for me, cuz I don’t care about facing good equipment as well and I do care about my time. I don’t want to be forced play something I don’t enjoy.

I just don’t think any of examples you could put here would change my opinion. And I wouldn’t call it quality over quantity, lol.

The thing you want is not enlisted and it never will be.

Which StG? There would be basically non, since you would be immediately prioritised. And then enjoy fighting for 2 minutes with BAs.

Extremely boring concept.

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Well, I don’t think being punished for using anything but the best equipment is enjoyable either.

Better equipment in lower numbers vs worse equipment in high numbers.

I don’t know what is this in your opinion then.

Probably yes.
But it doesn’t stop me from suggesting this.

Note: this applies to future BR MM, not to the limits.

I could say it’s a skill issue.

But seriously. If you don’t like fighting with BA (now listen carefully): don’t equip BA. Crazy concept I know.

I don’t want to stop you from runing around with 6 StGs. I just want to not face said 6 StGs only because I have one.

I have 1 StG = I face ppl with similar equipment.
You have 6 StGs = You face ppl with similar equipment.

What is the problem? Isn’t this exactly what this MM is supposed to do?

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I understand your point of view, but this will lead to abuse.


  • player 1 have 4 assaulter squads - 1 soldier with StG 44+ 4 soldiers with MP 40 per squad

  • player 2 have 4 assaulters squads - one squad only with StG 44 and 3 others only with MP 40.

Almost the same BR (4 vs 5 StG units), but in practice - player 2 can cycle between squads with StG and MP 40, and dont use one MP 40 squad at all.

Almost the same BR… but player 2 has advange over player 1.

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Last time we discussed it we created sth like this:
Only your top 3 squads (squads with the highest sum of equipment BR) will be taken into account when searching for enemies.

So no, 10x weak squad wouldn’t affect your MM.

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