Armory: New Shipment!

If you get 10k in one match and 10k in the second to make your 12k daily cap, you would lose 8k in the old system which you think is “less” and than have to come back the next day when it resets to do 12k all over again.

Much better. I wish it were possible to get a full squad’s worth of both weapons but I will settle for getting rid of the “Play every day or fail” nonsense. I’m not a fan of most Allied SMGs with their bad sights and high recoil but a 50 round Lanchester sounds quite usable. As I bought 30 MP717(r) I don’t feel like I’m mising out too much on the German one. Maybe it will be available again some day.

I wish I was making 10k every match tho. In fact I rarely see anyone even get close to 10k, and in the last week I only saw 1 person reach it. Weird example you brought here.


Change my example to 10k in one match and 5k in the 2nd, boom still wasted xp.

Or, maybe you did 3k, 4k, and than 3k again, which means you are still 2k short and do 4th match which is 4k again and boom wasted overfill in that scenario too.

Play a real campaign where you don’t have ezmode rollover team winning caps in 6 mins and it’s easy. I got multiple 10k just today doing my battlepass (I also SS’d these big games), 6k+ is is probably average

It’s really cool that we can grind way more than single step a day, plus we can pick weapon we want to have.

But i’m not sure if Tunisia Allies need even bigger buff, Axis there is unplayable and with drum Lanchester it will be even more unplayable.

Weapon orders are limited to the event - you won’t get able to spend these on others later - as I found the hard way a cuople of events ago.

5k per level is easy for a change - even playing normally can get 4-5 of them a day

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well correction since this is not cod vanguard it not a drum it just a longer mag.

Will this link (good thing) stay after the Merge?

This is my favorite event to actually do so far
Even if I’m not gonna knock it all out in one day, its great to get multiple tiers done in a single day
God bless


I don’t know if this is confirmed, but last Event (which was timelocked) I remember doing something: whenever I was only a few Exp left to finish the stage and didn’t have time left to play, I would enter a game, get the needed Exp, then leave the game. It wouldn’t update right at that moment, but once the whole match is over I would see the Event stage complete so I could geab the stage. I understood that it isn’t about playing matches until the end, but that your exp only gets counted once the full game ends (actually, we had hints of this being the case since if you level up a squad or soldier in a game and leave you’ll still get that soldier/squad exp).

It’s scummy, yes, but in hindsight it was me literally running out of time to play. Now I won’t have to do it, but the end conclusion is still that the average grind/day became longer, and not by a small margin either.

Of course, that doesn’t stop anyone from praising the legitimately good things of this event. I just am personally bummed since my average games are on the 3-4k threshold (and thus the previous system didn’t hurt me too much), and the new system makes it so I effectively need to grind more to get all main rewards.

Very much to my likening!
Thank you.

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becose it was made later than battle of stalingrad… its a modification from 1943

Nobody gave me valid source yet

Let me ask chatgpt so he can confuse it with the Mp41


Lmao, I just experienced extreme deja vu with your reply.

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Interesting finds
Screenshot (64)
Screenshot (65)
What it said was not entirely wrong, though the PPD-40 part was painful.


Weapons and everything is nice and all But why are we reusing old art not making new art or making some German theme art

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Im happy with the German Officer portrait, finally a real German portrait I can use, I do like Patton pic too, but as Germany main it is only natural to have German dude.

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I guess it’s true I just dislike there’s just so much back-to-back Allies theme art and not much German

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Did you miss Stalingrad and mech event portraits? In my opinion they are great too.

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