Armory: New challenge!

OMG, you are right ok, next time please just accept other people have different ideas.

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No, not now, not next time, never :pinched_fingers:

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does the lvt with at gun return in warthunder? cause i really want it but i didnt play long enough to know if it ever return

p40 should not be event or premium. When italy separates from germany they will need 75mm in the progression

get 8000 score but progress 3175/5000. wt… How?

um you already complete 1 stage and the score carry over?

What is truly ridiculous, is not having a clue when ppl are talking about oneself :laughing::


Ah. A fellow man of culture I see!

I swear, this will be my main battle rifle everywhere for (German) axis (cause my Italians will ofc use carcanos with pride). A truly beautiful piece, that works surprisingly well, too.

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score isnt same as campaign xp

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one thing i don’t like is that you need to do 30k to get the weapons should have been 20k or 25k instead

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not only that (last armory was 4 stages per special reward, so 20k points), they also increased the total point requirements for people wanting to get all big rewards. its 36 stages times 5000 divided by 8 days to complete, thats 22.500 battlepoints per day. last armory was 17k or 18k.



If they ever add a GrB39 with HE Grenade as default ammo, yeah

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AVT40 is lot stronger than FG though

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How so?

6 gets you one reward, so that’s my goal

I ended my first day with obtaining 2 orders, so picked one Breda and one pistol for my Soviet GO hero. I plan to spend other two on another bredas.

I am really happy with this event so far, definitely needed dopamine doses for me. Especially since I was able to group up with fellow forum members, and just chill while grinding.

(my estimated sleep time for today: less than 3 hours)


I love those 2 portraits. It’s like, they tell a story.
The Italian guy is trying to show off to the Brit his new very sweet rifle, being smug with his sunglasses and all. While the Brit looks him out, laughing, “that’s cute, guess what I just called on you with my shining radio?”

What a nice rivalry :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks to whoever arranged for an event without confusing and restrictive day limitations. It’s much appreciated!

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