Armory: New challenge!

am i missing something where are all the people who hated the Tunisian paratrooper event, that is still going on, the event you only had to play every other day and earn 10,000 a day to get 2 special order weapons, a gold order weapon and two unusual squads which might i add all ten members of both squads have special weapons, so that 20 unique weapons, ok squad locked

this new challenge let me look 25-26-27-28-29-30-31-1-2 nine days 20,00 points a day 100% more points a day
as opposed to 5-31 10,000 a day for 2x20x6 240,000

i don’t mind grinding but how is 180- over 9 days better then 240 000 over 27 days that’s 20 000 a day vs 10 a day they literally doubled the xp requirement, that’s not even counting the other 14 levels so 246 000 that’s more xp in a third the time
just imagine if you scaled the other event at that rate that be like nearly half a million so was only problem with the Tunisian Paratroopers that it was time gated

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But you couldn’t play every other day and earn 10k per day. If you played every other day you would need to earn 20k.

Not everyone wants to keep track of which day is day 1 and which day is day 2.

Not everyone has much time to grind during the week.

So… that.


Idk, it’s very likely I will complete this event before weekend.
So I really dont care…

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that’s my point in this event you have to grind twice the experience every day 20k for nine days 30k for six of the days 60k for three of the days 90k for two days or 180 in one day–

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It’s not like you must get all the rewards, lol. Getting one of each weapon is easy enough.
But I guess people will always find a reason to complain. Pretty lame ngl.


Yeah, I honestly prefer the system for the paratroopers event. 20,000 every two days is totally doable for me, but I honestly don’t know if I’ll have enough time for this one. It’s a shame, because I really like the Breda.

I honestly can’t understand the idea that this is worse. Play several hours Saturday and a few hours on Sunday then do nothing for a few weekdays. This is possible with this event but impossible in the previous.

I expect we’ll see both formats going forward and am only happy to see that event formats for working professionals are still a thing - even if only occasionally. We’re not all teenagers, college students or un(der)employed. i still like to be able to earn event rewards without hours of weeknight grind.

For most events, I will not open my wallet to ease this pain as they hope.


same actually im gonna get 3 breda and 1 pistol btw the event breda have like no recoil which is amazing

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Usually I’m a collector and tries to get all stuff but I will go for 4 Breda here!

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the event breda right? just want to make sure


Best pistol in the game where you basically turn a TT into a Beretta 92 or a Glock with that magazine capacity

Arty Luger? :upside_down_face:


Got 1 Breda yesterday, I must say it’s a good looking firearm, useful too.

You can see the rounds moving up the magazine as you shoot, nice detail.

However. I’m really not a fan of the reloading animation. It’s not as bad as those of avt40, fg42II and mp43, because the hand doesn’t just punch the magazine out… But the soldier still merely throws the removed magazine away without a second thought.

Which makes it weird when you reload that very same thrown away magazine that had some bullets left, later on.

Getting elegant pistol this eve to test too.


Yeah, it’s so chunky. A proper thicc girl.

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oh also you reload an empty mag before the rounds poof into the magazine :joy:


Hadn’t noticed that…

Well… apart from reloading magazine issues, at least it performs really well. Probably will attract some Tunisia axis players for some time, too.


I think it already did.


Tunisia is having its opposite day and Axis are dominating it and believe or not, has more players.
Im basically farming victories there right now.


Its pretty much been victories since folgore for me

Keep seeing forlorn squad enjoying some axis action too :grinning: