Armory: New challenge!

Completely agree. The British deserve better.

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No they have a 80mm mortar who can kill all allies tank

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But, Soviets do as well :slight_smile:

Hey it’s really hilarious to explode tanks with the 80mm mortar! All it takes is someone smart enough to mark, and for the tank to stay still long enough… and boom! It’s so satisfying!!! :smile:


This is not manga and cartoon arstyle, this one is much more similiar to a graphic novel for both pfp

I understand you have good intentions but I don’t feel right killing Germans I’m happy to kill Americans or Russians but not really Germans.

And try thinking about the weapons a little bit more they’re not as simple as they look if you use your brain and that’s where the problems will appear once we reach steam.

I see.

I fear the problem is deeper than just being a main…


It’s just a game lol. Nothing more than an organized arrangement of pixels on your device.


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The nagant is the only fully automatic pistol in the game. Just hold down the trigger and unload. It may have a slow rof and hipfire stance, but it’s still automatic!

I don’t get the whole one sided bias, how can you cry about AVT and such being too strong when there are FGs?

You don’t even have to play both axis and allies to get a “basic undstanding of balance”. Literally all you have to do is " picking up" hostile weapons from time to time and compare them with your own.

People are so fast at blaming everything but themselves, its ridiculous.



Yes, thanks for clarification.

I wish we get more romanian equipment. When the merge hits i will start making different axis nations loadouts. I will make the romanians with mannlicher m93, czech with zk 383, zb 29, vz 24, zh 29, and maybe even austrians and hungarians with mannlichers and mp 34(ö)

I think the potential for future is great.

But kinda sucks this weapon will not he obtainable after merge, it’s pretty good looking. I stacked ±20 fo them. At least they’re pretty cheap rn.


i have 30 of them laying around + some breda 30s for red army cuz why not

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Imo is momentary once the game start espanding nation pool who in future is necessary for keep release grindable contenent for the masses, not only the m93 but all the other removed equipment should return alongside the new one

Yeah, it’s very likely majority of discontinued stuf will return. But my personal opinion is, it will be just durin special events or occasions and mostly highly limited. Similarly to WT.
I doubt they will ever return to classic progression

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The art style is not the same as it was, it is far more animated and IS cartoon like as a result. Can’t wait to see what art team come up with for Axis profile or Soviet.

The art style we had previously was cartoon like but had some level of realism, anyway sorry but not going to agree, I don’t like it, Italian sunglasses are you serious, is it like that Fonze (happy Days), no offence, to Italians of course, but people gave their lives and we are drawing animated cartoons…

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Only you see cartoon, this make me ask if you even watched a cartoon

Have you watched Happy Days, I rest my case, don’t want to discuss this anymore, we all have feedback and preferences, this is not mine simple.

Yes, and i doubt that small 2d part is like the pfp…

Except your are wrong immagine be the one who drow both pfp in a realistic graphic novel style and you gonna read a comment of a user who compare them with a cartoon…