Armory: New challenge!

I will also get it to go alongside the RMN-50 on my riflemen.


Oh my…sounds very cool!!! Pitty its competing with my full breda squad…


would be really cool to have those sunglasses in the editor… or… as piece of special customization or something.

anyway. event looks great as well as the rewards :+1:


You can test it in the editor, it feels similar to an c96 but with more magazine


Sorry if that question was for me, I hit max Tunisia about 2 days before the Folgore unlock. I really wanted italian squads before merge and then got all this love…

Folgore, bredas, more bredas…very mean deck right now…fast becoming favourite lineup

With these bredas my merge Italian preset will be fully armed and operational!


…well. minus some cool vehicles yet to grace us with their presence…


nice it must have been tough going through tunisia alone before the para even i dont want to touch it before the para drop


It was for the first half, mostly bot team mates vs full stacks. But i enjoyed the challenge (wins were super sweet). Italians have some real good/fun cheap gear. By the time i got F2 and m38, started winning alot…then folgore dropped and allies have been getting smashed ever since

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I really hope the Germans can get their own Grenade launcher that they can spam like the Soviets.


same situation for stalingrad for me tbh but stalingrad rn got decent team havent try tunisia but gonna do them today

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I’ll get one too, not because it’s a good pistol (it most likely is), but because it’s definitely elegant, it looks very sharp.

Definitely a squad leader piece.


For now we have Luftfaust B, ain’t exactly RMN but it’s sometimes even better vs infantry. And it can be refilled at ammo boxes

oh wait it also new bp season so now i can see if i actually got 100 gold as a profit if i purchase the bp

note: you better hope i got my 100 gold back cause im gonna keep the picture to prove that bp cost 1k and give back 1k and not cost 900 but give back 1k
note 2: unless it have always been like this? i mean it said it cost 900 in game so if it actually cost 1k wouldnt that be misleading?

200w (2)


Purchase is 900 and with the reward you get back 900+100 battlepass repay istelf so in case you need order or silver is a good purchase

So can the grenade launcher and it Luftfaust B only works on direct contact it can’t deal with people camping in a room unlike the grenade launcher which can kill around corners if you spam it And whenever the new BR goes into effect Germans have nothing to counter it and they will be using it in end game.

that not what happen when i purchase last season which i made a topic about and like i said this time im gonna keep proof
note: but of course the proof will come out once i finish the bp in like 90 day

Idk maybe you spended gold withaut notice in the shop is something that happened to all of us

that the thing i didnt spend it at all other then bp and yea i have 1.2k and after i bought bp i still have 1.2k that why im suspicious

Really good update! As it is ruining my performance! Ledge climbing instead of smoother, it turned into a shit show where the game cannot even know if we are climbing over a windowsil or what!
FPS dropped from 240 to 120 ish, and my ping suddenly spiked from 5-6ms to 100+. On a ducking RTX 3070 Ti, DDR5 32GB and latest Intel chip.

Impact granades and kar/fg with granade launcher doesn’t exist after merge?

Sitting ducks for flamethrowers, HE shell from tank, even built AT gun, or literally any granade