Armory: New challenge!

I don’t know, opposite should be true. At least according to in game stats. (I am too lazy to check dispersion)

From my experience, both are very accurate.

I am glad for you all having advanced so far or even finished the event. :slight_smile:

I am still working on my first weapon, and i am not sure if i will get one this time. Last armory i could get one SMG and i was totally happy about that. But it was close (and the requirements lower then this event).

I guess DF really wants casuals like me to not get a single weapon. But thats fair. shrug

Oh … and this is just a feedback. No hard feelings.

That sucks man. Good luck with your effort tho. You still have chance to do it.

Dont worry too much is sufficient have at least 1 gun those are collectible just for fun


Yep, will give feedback once the event is over whether i made it or not xD

Yeah, thats why i try to get one, it won’t make any difference in gameplay for me anyways :wink:


If you do enjoy playing vehicles, try using them as much as possible.
It’s farm leaderboard points via those.

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Thanks for the hint :slight_smile: I am godawful with planes though. and i still have only “starter” tanks. I do play all campaigns and all factions and thus my highest campaign level is 11.

Right now i work on lvl 10-12 berlin axis to get that panther before merge.

And i prolly should fiddle less with forums :blush:

Oh, that’s good idea to olay berlin axis now. But trying to play pz IV is basically just waste of time.

I wish you good luck nevertheless.


Yep, i know, thats what i meant with “starter” tanks … nevertheless i got a great game (at least for me) the other way round, my engineer AA shot down 6 bombers :laughing:

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Wow! You’re better with AA than most of the forum. They are constantly crying about how AA are useless.

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Thanks! I heard the complaints about AA, and i do agree the ammo is a bit low (and sometimes i cannot reload it) but its not so unusable as most say. at least i can shoot down bombers with it (although not the full pack. i can usually get 2-3).

i also tend to build 2 of them if enemy is spamming bombers and i am not in the middle of a city.


I nearly always build 2, it’s just way faste to change one for another than reloading the first one.

Btw. You can order your other engineer AIs by pressing X to build one, meanwhile you can build the other one.


I know, i usually just forget it :laughing:

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I am getting points for the Reinforcements event but not Armory this is dumb

Yeah, I’ve had similar feeling 2 days back. But I was so tired I didn’t really care.
Maybe I was just imagining it.

Nevermind it wasnt tracking visually but was in fact tracking the xp

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That would explain my experience as well.

Almost done with the event, if everything goes right I’ll be getting the 4th blue ticket well before the deadline.

(And Tunisia Axis has never been as stomping as these days.)


I hope we’re getting a break from events for a little while. The burnout is starting to get real.


Eventless anniversary? :face_in_clouds:

Yep, I already experienced at least 3 battles, in which there wasn’t (at the start of the match) a single real allied player, only bots. What an annihilation of faction.

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I hope you dont want Soviet Paratroopers then lol