Armory: New challenge!

Lol 50!!!..i got my 4th breda tonight…then went and watched a move

I need nothing else so…except 2 more lvls on my fiat .55 plane to be fully upgraded

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Lucky you!

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Is it me, or is the event PG a bit less accurate than the gold order one?

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I don’t know, opposite should be true. At least according to in game stats. (I am too lazy to check dispersion)

From my experience, both are very accurate.

I am glad for you all having advanced so far or even finished the event. :slight_smile:

I am still working on my first weapon, and i am not sure if i will get one this time. Last armory i could get one SMG and i was totally happy about that. But it was close (and the requirements lower then this event).

I guess DF really wants casuals like me to not get a single weapon. But thats fair. shrug

Oh … and this is just a feedback. No hard feelings.

That sucks man. Good luck with your effort tho. You still have chance to do it.

Dont worry too much is sufficient have at least 1 gun those are collectible just for fun


Yep, will give feedback once the event is over whether i made it or not xD

Yeah, thats why i try to get one, it won’t make any difference in gameplay for me anyways :wink:


If you do enjoy playing vehicles, try using them as much as possible.
It’s farm leaderboard points via those.

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Thanks for the hint :slight_smile: I am godawful with planes though. and i still have only “starter” tanks. I do play all campaigns and all factions and thus my highest campaign level is 11.

Right now i work on lvl 10-12 berlin axis to get that panther before merge.

And i prolly should fiddle less with forums :blush:

Oh, that’s good idea to olay berlin axis now. But trying to play pz IV is basically just waste of time.

I wish you good luck nevertheless.


Yep, i know, thats what i meant with “starter” tanks … nevertheless i got a great game (at least for me) the other way round, my engineer AA shot down 6 bombers :laughing:

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Wow! You’re better with AA than most of the forum. They are constantly crying about how AA are useless.

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Thanks! I heard the complaints about AA, and i do agree the ammo is a bit low (and sometimes i cannot reload it) but its not so unusable as most say. at least i can shoot down bombers with it (although not the full pack. i can usually get 2-3).

i also tend to build 2 of them if enemy is spamming bombers and i am not in the middle of a city.


I nearly always build 2, it’s just way faste to change one for another than reloading the first one.

Btw. You can order your other engineer AIs by pressing X to build one, meanwhile you can build the other one.


I know, i usually just forget it :laughing:

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I am getting points for the Reinforcements event but not Armory this is dumb

Yeah, I’ve had similar feeling 2 days back. But I was so tired I didn’t really care.
Maybe I was just imagining it.

Nevermind it wasnt tracking visually but was in fact tracking the xp

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That would explain my experience as well.