Are you pro-merge, anti-merge, or neutral?

Same could be said about the 76mm T-34s how they were known on the early Eastern Front Battles. Some other vehicles and weapons would have problems on getting dragged up too.

Even Mkb despite being an early war weapon having to suffer high tier madness and would be made obsolete by STG-44.

mostly neutral for the moment.

it has it’s cons and pro sides.

but holy shit if the customization really setted me on fire during these days. ( by how bad it is )

legit, cosmetics disappearing, others being deleted, the ui not showing correctly stuff, cluttering bugging etc.

i spent the last 2 days to gather enough evidences and footage to document the customization system. it barely work.

and no, i’m not talking about the (still) lacking selection, but i’m talking about the system it self barely working. and i’m being generous.

but for the rest, it’s alright.
( though, easy for me to say as i have been playing this game almost non stop so… good or bad, i always come back. almost like stockholm syndrome :joy: )

even though, i realized by the lack of matchmaker how badly i need pves for my own sanity.

i loaded up my full volkssturm loadouts with bolties and what not expecting not much.

i had to tryhard against funny people with full autos and what not.
i still somewhat came on top, but not exactly what i was expecting for my first match.


Test server has exceeded my wildest expectations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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Iam pro-merge.
We don’t have enough players to fill all campaigns and most campaigns are only playable on one side while the other one is usually pure pain.
However the current state of test server, the update is far from ready. I rather wait than have such a game breaking update.
The Merge shouldn’t be implemented until the next Battle Pass, the BR system must be fair or it will hurt the game more thus it needs ample time.


For me, The Merge is like creating a new game that will be similar, but unlike the Enlisted we all know and have a lot of experience with.

As someone who has been playing the game for more than two years, and have played over 3,800 completed matches, I pretty much have all the gear, weapons, soldiers, and vehicles all maxed out with the best stuff. Unless the developers introduce a lot of new content, the whole currency change/price changes are not really going to make much of a difference to the people who have been around for awhile.

But for new players, and everyone who has not maxed out their campaigns… It’s a different story. Of which, from my perspective, I think the new currency system is going to be a major turn-off that deters people away from the game entirely (takes too long to acquire enough credits to make the needed purchases).

Personally, I think The Merge is going to be a disaster, but I’m neutral on the matter. Just waiting and seeing how it all plays out. If I end up losing squads and vehicles that I’ve already unlocked, then I’ll probably stop playing entirely.

If I’m not refunded the full amount for the squad slots I purchased, then I’ll probably quit entirely. Nor am I interested in wasting my time reporting “lost purchases” to customer service department. Once the merge is implemented, it needs to be flawless. Why the hell should hundreds or thousands of players be forced to report lost purchases, due to incompetency? In other words, there’s a lot on the line for Dark Flow to implement this BIG CHANGE without sabotaging their own game (and more than a year’s worth of hard work).

And if we can get past everything I’ve described above, the next assessment will be the quality of gameplay (which will determine whether I stick around or quit entirely).
-If matches consist of ENDLESS paratrooper spamming, then I’m DONE.
-If matches are consistently unbalanced, then there’s no reason to stick around anylonger.
-If matches are full of bugs due to a sloppy release, then we can expect nuclear fallout with mass casualties to the player-base.

But I hope it all works out! Dark Flow may have done better with releasing a separate game with all of these new mechanics, and keeping Enlisted the way it is (but with different types of changes to improve quality of gameplay).


I tend to agree because I’m more comfortable playing late game weapons and campaigns
But if you like to play early campaigns, it will be difficult, because low-level weapons such as the MP3008 actually appeared in 1945, so the room distribution after the merger is not based on chronology.
This means that there is no sense of historical substitution
This game is starting to look like War Thunder, but War Thunder is not infantry, so it may not rely as much on a sense of historical immersion.

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I agree with you. I was thinking about quitting if the scenarios you mentioned especially the worst ones do happen.

I have warned several times that this is a make or break moment of the game but too many people defend the merge fanatically despite the clear lack of transparency from the devs. If this ended up released badly then maybe its time to do a hard decision to look for greener pastures.


Initially pro, but when I see the economy at the moment. It makes me neutral.

If it ends up flopping, there’s gonna be a lot of angry whales out there. Think about the people who’ve spent $500-$2,000+ for premium content on this game lol


Pro merge with some major concerns is the best way to put it for me. I’ve already listed my grievances more than once so no need to do it again. I think it sounds great on paper, but I’ve seen some serious issues come up on the test server that definitely need some attention.

Fixing some glaring issues with economy and soldier perks and stats system, i feel pretty pro merge to be honest. anyway game is in a pretty sad state right now with one sided campaigns and such, it needs a change. dont forget the xp bonus on the JOIN ANY FACTION, could help with imbalance!

It’s a necessary evil.

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Pro merge but BR will negate the purpose of the merge. (Why merge the campaigns when you are going to add a BR system that will result in split queues)

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I disagree. We currently have 6 campaigns, if merge wasn’t a thing. We could have already 7-8. And after few years, maybe 14 campaigns overall. This gamw wouldn’t not survive it.
But with merge, they can still keep adding stuff into already existing BRs.

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Same, pro-merge.
Just hoping it will happen after the next discount.

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Pro merge

Needs some pivotal changes/fixes first, but the footwork/direction is good/necessary.

Either way I think merge had to happen if there was any chance of continuing expansion.

BR system is the main info for me, that will be the moment that will make or break


…merge of campaigns

Although I understand what @Adamnpee says.
There would be too many campaigns if more are added.
Resulting in not enough players in each campaign.
But to me, merging the campaigns, selecting an army and getting a random battle location, is just no good at all.


Pro if the execution is on point. The game has to be approachable for new players or it will die. Same rationale that brought the merge about (I assume). I hope the team hasn’t lost that in the execution.

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Tis a pitty, but hopefully BR will be done well enough to narrow it down via Deck choice, and eventually maybe we might get a “veto” to narrow it down further if population perks up enough. wishful thinking perhaps.

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