Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

Maybe. I have 0 idea about sports. Imo they are boring.


Basically, he is having a super long good career, compared to a normal career with legendary performance (Jordan).

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well if you play as german im not really surprise tho since most soviet player seem clueless for some reason

oh and american the only player that arent clueless are german and jap and some US

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i don’t think you can test what hasn’t really been made

like… we can talk all day about what customs should be.

but… i don’t think you can test what isn’t there or hasn’t been made at all :joy:

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I have always opposed the merge because I never was bothered with the reasons for it, I honestly just like the game and the feel of fighting in the shoes of different soldiers who serve in different fronts and through the battle you are telling there story. As well as the effort at accuracy in campaigns that usually are overlooked.

The merge was for the better good though so I dont really oppose it, those who play it for the progress dont want to grind at a campaign to get the same gun they have unlocked before and eventually new stuff would begin to dwindle. Not to mention it draws the fan base out and as more maps and factions are added, the more pressure on how to balance it without neglecting others grows. Merging the factions somehow into a few tier trees is easier.

I however do oppose the merging of the campaigns, I feel they could be left separate because each one has a different feel to them and play-style, making it joining random ones makes it difficult to just cross your fingers and hope you get the right map for them.

Let alone now we have the other problems with the loss of accuracy as well, which where unavoidable, which I am willing to swallow to a level, but with things such as the Italians falling out of the sky in Stalingrad, and an AB41 driving down Goring Street to defend the Reichstag is to silly and I dont think im the only one bothered by that.

I think in due time if the problems are addressed they can be fixed, I opt more now for an Italian and Commonwealth faction as a possible fix to clean up some of the chaos, and introduce the ability to pick which campaign to fight in based on the selected country on what is possible for that country and a level map is picked from that campaign. A thing also that somehow makes people not able to deploy to a certain campaign if they have a vehicle equipped that is to inaccurate from the campaign, this would be to avoid the abuse of premium vehicles and also less heavy tanks tanks everywhere and the lower tanks get used.

A possible solution as well could be to make paints match the campaign they are in like uniforms do now, so we stop getting desert skins in the pacific and get snow ones in the Eastern Front.

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currently yeah though the players i fought against were at somewhat competent though they unfortunately never capped the first point

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Yea that the current state of all Russian it seem they are kinda good but not like decently good

The tech tree and unified currency were the only two good things. The game wasn’t dying and didn’t need to be saved in this manner as people keep saying. There was almost half a million players, with out being on steam and no real advertising. I had never heard of the game until i stumbled on it by accident several months ago. That was the real problem. Game was great before. It had that IT factor no other game had. This update will be the beginning of the end. I guarantee they will loose a large portion of their veteran players. You’re in trouble when you piss off the people who solely financially support the game

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Strong anti-merge. Sure, the system before was bad, but it wasnt that terrible IMO. The main problem i had with it was that it took way too long to unlock new stuff. If they lowered the requested points for new rank by 1/3 or atleast 1/4, the system would work great, but no, they decided to go with a system that completely ruinded the historical aspect of the game (late-war german guns and uniforms in Moscow and Stalingrad, British tanks in Pacific etc.) and it IMO didnt at all solve the problem with lenght of research, but made it even worse (atleast to my experience so far). Even the wa to acquire new guns/soldiers and upgrade them was made worse IMO.


Eh my only problem is we gotta research previous vehicles to progress which i think is dumb and a waste of time

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It definitely was.

If it wasn’t, then we wouldn’t have had the issue where five of the six campaigns were at least half dead.

The game had no future in its former state.

Hopefully the next few patches fix some of the bigger issues with customization and matchmaking. Then we can determine whether or not the merge was successful, because as far as I am concerned, this is just a live test.

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Same amount of bots in moscow, normandy, and pacific. Higher desertion rates accross the board with the sole exception of normandy. Only because the germans have no reason to quit with being so O.P.

Just because majority of players prefer to play a couple select campaigns doesn’t make the game dying. It means players dislike those maps etc. That’s pretty normal stuff. Half a million players is great for being such a no name title

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Tiger 2 h 3 games in a row Stalingrad when all 4 players where br 3 or less Br was bad merge is bad as team did not want berlin half the day in berlin moscow 1 game saw a tiger… yeah Merge 100% made the game worse


What the actual crap. 10 v 15 match


The concept is still stupid.
Whats point of xx “different” campaigns, where like two are actually populated on both sides?
How long should that have gone? Until we had like 50 campaigns where 48 are not played?

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Obviously 50 campaigns is an exaggeration, and Obviously it’s not good to continue to add additional campaigns in that manner compounding the fracture. I also think it was a really cool option to pick the front you feel like playing in, getting the immersion you’re after. I personally wouldn’t of merged it all like DF did, but instead maybe remove 2 fronts from the pool, keep the 2 highest populated fronts as permanent choices since that’s what people like, and put 2 campaign options on a rotation that gets swapped every so often. That way you could experiment with new fronts/maps without much damage to the community, still gives player choice, and keeps it fresh. I would also offer bonuses to the rotational stuff when they pop up to give incentives for players to join. I also think 10 v 10 in end game is a bit much, think 6-7 real players with 3-4 bot squads would feel much better. Either that or i would put a limit on gear you can take into a match so that every soldier isn’t rocking tier 5 guns. People would be forced to use a diversity of guns making it more fun and realistic. Also needs a cap on bringing same squad types.

like i said disclaimer cause this is not apples to apples comparison. first day of merge is for monday+tuesday and premerge data is from sunday which have 20-40% more players than weekdays.

also i am surprised that tunisia, stalignrad and berlin actually have that low of bot percentage considering that this is average for 3 servers and people usually dont play in middle of night for their region, so i would expect lots of bots there polluting average results.

When will you upload the data from yesterday and today?