CRITICAL BUG - 10vs15 possible now

all players on soviet team are human and they all have (multiple) deaths. only 3 bots are on axis.

bug is open on CBR // Issues

can someone forward this to devs as priority bug fix?
@ChuchaDrucha @Keofox @James_Grove @ErikaKalkbrenner


unfortunately, there isn’t much i can do.

i’m just a lunatic that started playing since the alpha.

i’m not related in any way shape or form to what the alpha team tester do or helpers.

speaking off, as far as i know,

to report bugs you have to report it over the cbr site:


which you did:

great job. ( actually… you kinda forgot the most important thing. the clogs. otherwise devs and who fixes stuff can’t really go much about some pictures )

but, yeah, beside making bug report, usually as far as i’m aware, you are allowed to ping @helpers ( just use the @ and remove the last s ) and individual members of the alpha test team ( the ones with the big yellow A ) next to their profile.

to draw attention to your post. but might not always work.

and hope for the best.

( edit, i’ll think i’ll remove the " Enlisted Tester " tag because you’re not the only one thinking i’m in some sort of power / capacity to report issues and talk to the team. after all, it does look like a bit misleading )

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Red wave joined the chat


ah sry… thought you were alpha tester.

anyways @Helper can you forward this issue for priority bug fix?

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nah it’s all good :+1:

as said, you’re not the only one who thought that lol

Heya, we forwarded this one to the devs, thanks!