Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

My opinion about it:


  • faster progression
  • no duplicate unlocks
  • being able to use the squads you like and not being limited to campaign combinations
  • cheaper premiums
  • potential for many new small but important maps (like brest fortress)
  • new content does not have to be late war stuff, new content can be added at early war stages too


  • complicated rank and perk system
  • not being able to select campaigns
  • weapons cant be used in its historical locations, like ppsh in moscow
  • feels weird to have a too wide range of different weapons in one battlefield
  • squad type limit of a preset (2)

That’s not a thing a yet. And maybe never will be. Nobody can’t be certain of it at this point.


Neutral I guess

I only stick here for the drama, cuz DF been doing one step foward 2 step back, they keeps stacking old issues over old issues, someday they will no longer ignore them and face the consequences


To be more detailed about the patch:

  • I awaited this merge, I really love the way I don’t have to grind 2000hours to max out only 1 faction on only 1 campaign BUT THAT’S THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT MERGING!
  • The tech-tree for the first look was a lil confusing, but after 20mins I got used to it
  • Perk-tree IMO is not bad but, every soldier has random value on each tree, that is BS, make it so classes are equal to each other, I can give plus HP to 1 flamethrower guy but not the other?
  • Graphically looks good, but other games look better and better optimized.
  • BR make sense, what doesn’t make any sense to put Stalingrad to IV-V tiers while Berlin is I-II, are you insane, have you learnt anything about history at all while you were developing this game? This just doesn’t make any sense to put these maps this way, either make all maps available for every tier or switch those 2 for the love of history and player base!
  • The Squad management is still the same after 3 years? Is this a joke? It was out-dated and poorly made when since then, why the hell would you stick with it??? Can’t you make it better, then check out how other games do it and copy it, I don’t care, but this can’t stay like this forever!
  • I encountered more bugs today than throughout the 3 years! HOW? You did f*** up this merge with gameplay tweaks and that is so stupid, paratrooper flying on the ground endlessly, hands and legs are following me endlessly, engineer after building can’t stop hammering, nades has inconsistent range and the fast-building perks doesn’t even work!

You wasted A YEAR for this update the whole 2023 Roadmap is in the garbage, because you worked hard on this merge and you fucked it all up! This would have been the best update ever without these issues! Now, another year to resolve everything, I hope you don’t consider putting it on Steam, before fixing everything, because that’s gonna be your last nail in your coffin!


Look at what they did to the people who unlocked the M2 Carbine in the Pacific. They took the upgrade away from the 167th regiment, replacing it with the 1941 Johnson, even though that gun already has a Pacific Squad upgrade tree. Now I have to grind for the M1 Garand grenade launcher just to be able to upgrade my M2 Carbines.

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This game became a real bullshit!!!
It`s the same as before, people quitting the match and you play again with bots.
Thank you very much, well done

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Imo the update is rushed = not great. There are many things that need work and many were pointed out by ppl before 4th test. Though it’s not terrible either.
At least I can go brr in my stug and kill filthy commies. Stug is the best part of the update.


For me, the most enjoyable part of the update, is being able to take my FW-190 D2 on the battlefield, with it’s 30mm and 20mm cannons, 4x 50kg bombs, and 1x 250kg bomb. (I think it’s the D-2?)

But anyways, it’s my favorite aircraft in the game (from Berlin), and it was fun using it in Normandy last night.

I’m not a fan of having only 3 infantry slots, and 1 vehicle slot…
Unless I spend real money on “premium”, I can never bring both a tank and aircraft to the battlefield. Which is super lame because we can’t even choose the map or campaign. And depending on which one we get tossed into, sometimes aircraft are useless to have in a player’s lineup. :neutral_face:

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It’s like Lebron Jame’s career

D12* I hate it flies sideway though

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Yeah it’s really fucking annoying :roll_eyes: All the FW-190’s do it, and I’m not quite sure why the developers have never fixed the problem. It’s the only aircraft in the game, that constantly pitches to the left.

I have no hope they fix anything

*look at Bipod and AI


Yeah agreed. We still don’t even have “yes” or “no” within the team-command-wheel.

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Is funny missing something as basic as “yes” / “no” legit 2 decade old games like BF1942 has that shite

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HE shells, nade launchers/impact nades, mg sometimes deals zero dmg, some turret rings can’t be repaired there are probably way more bugs that they refuse to fix

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Worse they stack, that pasta code gonna bite their 4ss in long run, but hey, lets milk the existing playerbase with more premiums right?

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Made this during Halloween season before the merge.

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Idk dude i have a 100% winrate for tier 1 and 2 Axis, Germany really doesn’t and never has suffered outside of the retarded playerbase running away from even the slightest challenge
Hence the Tiger II H spam instead of people playing a variety of things
Only nation I’ve lost as was the Yanks because I made the mistake of playing Tier III and was pitted against the very sore sods I was attempting to avoid

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RIP 6 campaigns :cry: :skull_and_crossbones:

also the one time we accidentally did tier 3 and got dragged up to tier 5 i nearly out killed all of the soviet players and 100% outperformed them too in score too with only br 1 equipment :joy: