Anti-cheat software change

Good riddence! And good job!

Im making this my first post after endless hours of play to say I really want this to work lol

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Scandinavian campaign confirmed. :slight_smile:

I am happy to see some active investment in increasing anti-cheat measures. I recent months the gameplay felt impacted by cheating, to me. The performance of some players completely changed from one day to the next.

I promise to whine a little bit less. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hmm. As far as I know, it should.

Taken from the “Coming Soon: Economy Changes” news thread:

I might be wrong about this, but I could swear when I get a loss I only get the x1.2 bonus for queueing any

I reported some of them, they all disapeard

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Good job DF, I’m so impressed you’re trying to tackle this and not just papering over the cracks, well done.

I hear so many bad things about BattlEye - cheaters unbanning themselves with this AC and like written above: way much easier to bypass for good cheats then to bypass EAC.

I really hope this won’t be an own goal for Darkflow.

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Any improvement is an improvement.

Time will tell, but this is a move in the right direction.

GTA Online just received Battleeye update and let’s see how many hours it will take for them to start cheating again :thinking:

Still haven’t seen any other cheaters yet other than one post on a subreddit.

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No, it actually does not.
Players slamming anti-cheats fall into 2 categories IMO:
Those caught by it and with a vested interest in ruining its reputation; and
those who think it should be perfect and see something they think is cheating - which is almost invariably is not - and so they scream that it is useless.

And this - there is no such thing as perfect anti-cheat - even your favourite “this one is so much better (pro tip: no, it isn’t)” isn’t perfect.

Here’s a list of 5 with pro’s and con’s - sorry Vanguard isn’t in this one, you can find it elsewhere - Top 5 Gaming Anti-Cheat Solutions To Consider For Your Game In 2024

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That’s why I said “reputation” instead of “it is”
All I know about it is that many people call it “EasyCheat” and it’s “called that for a reason”

Sorry for a bit off topic, but I just want to mention a good job done by the cheater-busters.
On the first day that the current 20k event started, I noticed an exploiter, beyond any doubt.
I immediately reported him in game and also via the forum.
I have just checked the replay page, this weak exploiter has not played a single game since I the day reported him.
So good job done, kicking kim out quickly still during the event.

To the exploiter: you dumbass. No cool event squads for you. Should have just played the game, have fun, score points, get event rewards.

BTW: This exploiter tried to trick me, didnt work. On the scoreboard I already noticed something wrong after a few minutes into the battle. I waited for a while and it got worse. Then I called him a cheater in the chat. Immediately he stopped exploiting, started shooting at enemies and asking for coordinates in the chat. Too late, noob. :smile:


vanguard isnt publicly available AC, so it cant even be on that list.

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The game urgently needs a new program. Playing today, there was a player who was shooting from a distance and his shot went through the walls of a bunker. This needs to stop.

Ive had this a lot, its just weird hit reg I think, Get it a lot when someones just ran round the corner of a wall, for some reason the games thinks the shot was true and shoots you anyway,

or if you mean you were in a windowless room and and not moving and shot you, well in that case yeah fair dues, thats kinda weird

this can either be a cheat / hack or you have a few places where the collision of the walls are not the best and you can shoot through but that is a thing which the DEVs have to fix (same like shooting with flamethrower through the walls of the bunker) :wink:

if that player was constantly shooting people behind walls then it is a cheat, if it is very rare occurrence then it is most probably bad ping or lag. problem with server side calculations is that sometimes server can retroactively decide that you are dead cause of packet that arrived late(cause of bad ping/lag) and you are already well behind cover.


The only good anti-cheat is the good player community. There is two things all cheaters have in common, they will all lie and hate being caught. So it’s up to the rest of us to not tolerate them, track them down, report and work honestly with game managers to get rid of them.