Answering Your Questions!

I hope rider class will also include event SPAA which also needs a buff because they still can overheat unlike buffed buildable AA.
I wish we could buy an customization piece once and we could use it unlimited times.

it will be delayed infinitely since you sell certain shell types for $$$ with your premiums

  1. I see you haven’t answered of any of my question except suggestion about mines, I hope you will buff or change BR of some weapons (premium included), Mkb42(h)/(w)/Stg45/Kiraly/MP35/l/Panzerwerfer 42 needs to go down in BR, Assaulter squads like mentioned above plus AS-44 are inferior to the paratroopers that have 6 troopers please add 6th trooper into those premium squads.

  2. There are a lot of bugs when it comes to the explosives- HE shells or Calliope/Panzerwerfer 42 rockets not doing any dmg, rifle nades not doing any dmg even if you land it at the chest of the enemy and even worse if you send any of those explosives at the wall behind the enemy it will always result in zero dmg. Weird things are happening with handheld rocket launchers when shooting through the window you will most likely hit yourself in the face, it’s even worse for the RMN-50 you will just nuke yourself.

  3. Bipoding got improved but a lot of objects are still buggy like windows of the buildings or the ground, you won’t be able to aim or even shoot at the enemies since your solider will aim at the wooden frame or at the ground/the sky.


  4. Silver economy is in miserable state if you want to add those rng boxes you need to give us 2-3x more silver gained no question asked why you know why you have all stats. Even with premium time and premium squads game is barely playable it’s been months since merge and i still can’t afford to buy and upgrade all new vehicles and equipment.


  1. Can we get bayonetts for theFG42? We are only nation currently that doesn’t have a single gun with a bayo at BR5.
    PS FG42 and G43 Kurz need to start in full auto already and recoil with dispersion need to get buffed right now they are inferior to the AVT-40, Hei Auto and T20.
    Since STG44 and other ARs of it’s type couldn’t mount a bayo it should get some kind of buff since right now it’s inferior to AS-44, T20 and Hei Auto which all have bayonet and AS-44 just performs better than STG44 (especially STG45/Mkb42). You could consider reversing change of the Stalingrad which let normal soldiers to carry MKB42 with them instead of FG42.

  2. I think gold order tanks should also get xp bonus as the gold soldiers but instead 10% make it +25% xp/silver bonus instead.

  3. when will Germany finally get a drum mag MG and some new plane? When will we have AR engineers event for the USA and JP, When we will get APC event for the Soviets and Japan? When will USA get Super Pershing and new AT launcher (JP too).


You get much more splash damage from a 250kg bomb than you to a mortar or arty.

Also, not everyone uses planes. I don’t. Either way, it doesn’t detract from the fact that the greyzone is massively one-sided. If a tank sits there, they’re invulnerable but still can kill at will. That’s an exploit.

What exploit ? :exploding_head:

Some tanks have slow rotating turrets (Panzer III J) or have no turrets at all (StuG / SU-100) - they cannot be used a breakthrough tanks.

Does that mean that they need to be removed because of someone sleaziness (“I use no planes”) ?


Imagine having even more population splitting than we already have.

Yes, that’s clear.

So there`s still no plans from Cromwell tanks and Italian tanks to be added to the game? There cant just be Shermans fighting the war, There are various tanks the British produced that are somehow effective at the start and during the war. It would be quite a shame that the tanks are being over shadowed and not included in the game.


There are certainly many things that should be added to make Britain and Italy actually stand out as the factions that they are. Seriously imagine making the BRITISH EMPIRE just a sidekick

Regardless, at the very least what they need to do is add every squad type for the British and Italians and each soldier class. That’s the best first step

Many players, especially in BR I-III battles, are literally and clearly worse than Bots. I don’t want to stand with these players in battles. In fact, it IS THEM who should quit the match in some time to Avoid Keeping Got Matchmaked With Same Enemies And Teammates, and got slaughtered again. Veterans who just want grind events won’t be affected as long as they’re in vehicles or AT guns.

In addition, the Q&A didn’t talk about Conquest, Armored Train Escort and Confrontion modes. In many situations fighting in these modes are purely pain for both sides of the battle, and rewards are even less than Invasion. (This thing is on the Update Plans but the Q&A this time didn’t talk about it.)

I believe it won’t be wise to introduce deserter penalties before solving these problems.


About AA guns, what actually should be improved is not their damage or ammunition amount, but a mechanic to make sure that, if a enemy plane got shot down by an AA gun but not yet labeled as killed and scores added, the kills and scores won’t be stealed by a random ally plane or infantry who just shot one bullet to that enemy plane, thus listed as “made the last hit”, vice versa. Of course, one way to solve this problem is to buff AA guns to the point where they can crush enemy planes to pieces as soon as their shells touch them.


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“New AT Guns for High BR”
Does it means that, both Germans and Soviets using PaK 40 in low BR slaughtering light tanks and infantries is considered suitable, and we cannot see PaK 38 or 53-K again?


German and Italian soldiers didn’t even have white pants to wear.

I can’t see any “reflection” when a bunch of Soviet snipers wearing their winter camouflages in the middle of a green grassland, or an American tank with full white paint job on a pacific island - these should be the point of the problem.


You are not kidding playing those matches as german side would be waste of my time and nerves

Don’t forget about various Churchill variants, Matilda also had few modifications it’s disappointing how both are premiums, if anything it should be premium for Soviets and free for USA (they could add Hedgehog as a premium but leave common Matilda alone).

Other tanks that should be added: P40, other Semovertes, Celere Sahariano, Nb.Fz.and port of Hungarian tanks like Turan and Zrinyi from War Thunder, Excelsior, Challenger, Vickers E, Renault FT, Renault R 35, FCM 36, Hotchkiss H 35, 7-TP

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Okay, doesn’t sounds like I want to continue playing this game…


The game has lost many players due to unbalanced play and the completely crazy AI of the bots.

The only way they’ve found to keep the game going is to force you to play a losing match.

I’m going to take a tank, park it and shoot it from time to time until the game is over. Or play sniper in the edge of the map. Idk, something to waste time until the next game.


When will you consider fixing the legacy issues in the Pacific?

The Japanese low BR has no aircraft that can be born in the air, which puts them at a great disadvantage in low BR

In addition, Japanese tanks cannot use vehicle-mounted machine guns from the gunner’s perspective, but tanks such as the M2A4 and T28 can, and even the M2A4 can operate three machine guns at the same time with only one tank crew member


It’s greatly appreciated that the game developers maintain such transparency with the community.

A few things I want to touch.

  • I’m thrilled to see that animations are being worked on; this improvement has been a long time coming and is well-deserved for Enlisted. The game and its engine have always been impressive in terms of visuals and optimization, but the animations have not met the same high standards. It’s great to hear some updates on this topic, and I can’t wait to see the results.

  • Surprisingly nothing related to Steam re-release in the Q&A?

  • The changes to matchmaking and the leaver system are desperately needed and should be a priority. Currently, players often leave as soon as they realize the game isn’t a guaranteed absolute stomp, leaving the remaining players with the dilemma of whether to leave as well or continue playing a potentially futile match. You are kinda forced into leaving at times by other selfish players. The current suggested penalty system doesn’t address the issue of players quitting to maintain their K/D ratio or win percentage, which is a significant incentive for leaving. This practice is very frustrating, especially when good players abandon winnable matches simply to inflate their stats. Putting a penalty to XP/Silver serves no purpose to veteran players, as they are the main perpetrators of this issue.

  • Regarding the planes and tanks and gray zones. I hope you guys also look into restricting the border/play-area of defenders. Far too often there are maps where the defenders get so much space that the attackers are spawn trapped. Very prominent in Pacific and Berlin maps. There are maps you have to give up if the enemy team is too dominant and spawn trap you. An example I talked about in the past.

  • I can see why customization changes would only apply only to voice and name but you guys also removed some Brit squads for example so there is no way to apply British uniform if I’m correct and we would just end up with Brit accent US looking soldiers…

Additionally as feedback :



Who remembers the smoke grenade?Including smoke from artillery fire and mortar fire, their performance is so poor that almost no one uses them.They need a larger range, and many open maps require their use!


How dare we talk about deserter penalties (and balance or other :heart::heart:s) when people just spawned and met this?

It happened in Stalingrad when there at least 3 tanks/APCs.


So what is the “spend enough time” on battle all about? Are we talking 50% aka 500 ticket / 3 point or something else?

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This discussion shows how serious the problem of desertion is.

So many deserters make pathetic excuses as to why they should be allowed to cripple the gaming experience for players who have done nothing wrong and just want to play the game.

I’ve never seen worse selfishness.