Answering Your Questions!

had game now where one player sniped from 200m till the end of the game. shall we discuss his punishment? he was ruining my experience cause he didnt try to play for win.


You can’t use anti-tank equipment or vehicles to fight back against campers?
Let’s not talk about the minor shortcomings of American and Japanese anti-tank weapons.
You can’t even use a furnace tube launcher or a Panzerfaust rocket launcher to snipe a tank from a distance???
Or is it that the tank and aircraft occupiers in the team simply don’t care about the life and death of the infantry and continue to desert?
I guess this isn’t a camper issue

Curiously i’ve seen you desert a very close battle your team nearly won.

What should be your punishment for such heinous crime? Not only did You abandon 9 players in your team, you also robbed 10 players on other team of their fun. How dare You.

See, let’s not get dramatic about people leaving a match in casual game.


Hummm, so if I don’t want to play 1 mode/map, I had to play it, or I will be punished ?

Find. Afk will be the New solution.

Before punishing us, let us the ability to choose what we wana play. And After, punish us if we leave a game chosen by us.

This was really meh at best

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Not a whiff of airfields :cry:

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gaijin and wargaming games iirc, all cod does is auto count it as a loss however cod also protects mid joiners wr stat


Yes, it is.

It’s counterproductive and the lazy way a FEW games choose to take, INSTEAD of truly fixing things
(Such as making matches PERSISTENT, so ppl could replace empty seats the entire match, among other solutions)

Currently, players who ENDURE bad uncooperative teammates, or enemies stacks while being alone in their own team or unpopular faction, are unfairly and unjustly in disadvantage in comparison to stacked factions. As they don’t have several benefits that current imperfect system provides with stacks or playing popular factions.

Currently, the game literally awards you for ruining the game experience for others by stacking, or ganking them with a popular faction, or merely being useless in general.

Game should prioritize being balanced, not punishing players who seek fun. Punishment for desertion is something undeserved that entitled ppl want others to suffer to feel better about their sorry self.

See buddy? It goes both way.


Have not played CoD since M2019 and I never cared for W/D rates because that is something that cannot be solely influenced by me. Never cared for Wargaming games.

Deserting silver penalty will kill Germany and Japan for good. Now you play vs gold active and good or even cheating players like that top of the list (nice wallhack that he has). It’s a waste of anyones time to play as those two nations


i know, but it’s technically a punishment (arguable the most fair one), now WG games punish you for leave and dying
->dies because of pretty much bad luck
->lol you must wait the rest of the match before you can play your vehicle again

Give me a reason to fight for those guys
They won’t even dismantle the enemy’s barbed wire fence

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Maybe it’s because it’s really bad stuff
The Pacific has proven this

I don’t fight so my team wins.

I fight so my enemy loses.

Then more people quit the game because they don’t want bad players to play?
What a good way

If most of my teammates were as good as you, I should still be playing the game now instead of protesting against punishment.
This is a multiplayer game
There is a limit to a person’s power
Even if I can complete all the support and interception
Still need someone to assist in attack and cover
Instead of just having one person use his left hand to build a respawn point, his right hand to hold an anti-tank launcher, his left foot to occupy the stronghold, and his right foot to shoot at the enemy.

now i’m tired
Rather than spending energy and time leading a group of incompetent guys,
I’d rather find something meaningless to do
It’s also a waste of time
But I don’t have high blood pressure


Right now MM is full of games where only one team can fight well and other just die and lose tickets one squad after another.
It’s so damn rare to find even match where both sides are on even ground, can compete against each other and you don’t know instantly which one will win that match.
Today’s first match was impossible to win because my team was full of bots, their team had a sus guy and a lot of gold players that knew what they were doing. While next match looked like this:

I got bored to death they only capped a single point and we won on the 2nd. My deaths were mostly from tanks, planes and one dude that had T20 + M2 Stinger.

No, it’s about when someone, mainly tanks, are in the greyzone, they can fire out and score hits and kills easily, yet they are invulnerable to attack themselves.

I’ve tried explosives, mines, arty, and mortars. If they’re in the greyzone, they can’t be damaged, but still cause damage. That’s an exploit.

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Please make this a separate panel in the main game UI, showing us all we have, how many we’ve got and which squad currently has them. This will help us find event/BP/drop items fast.


Someone forget that planes exists, not a single tank can survive 250kg bombs.

However i still think greyzone needs to be shortened and should only protect your spawn and not half of the map.
Size will depend on specifics of each map some needs larger grayzone because you don’t want to tanks to get spawn camped but some may get a very small greyzones because there are natural obstacles like hills or objects.