Answering Your Questions!

Please make a bug report with .clog on that

As an AP mines enjoyer, I accept that they may receive some form of nerf.

The point being SOME form of nerf, and NOT all the possible nerfs at the same time (the Gaijin way), making them totally useless.

How about making them take 3-5 seconds to place, so they’re harder to spam, but leaving their blast unaltered?

Engineers being able to spot and disarm them is totally fine.


This should be removed. Why punish people by making them play bad matches? Its clear that some maps have a huge ATK or DEF imbalance. Or that you get stuck with all bots. Now you are going to add a residual penalty across multiple matches? Not a great plan.



What bigger maps
All the maps still feel about the same size in terms of how condensed the actual areas we need to be in for the obj are

This is clearly not a well supported idea. How about pre battle chat with your friends list? A designation they are in battle or free to join a group. The inability to communicate outside battle is a real dead goose around the games neck. If you allow people to communicate via text it helps everyone. Its not a fancy request but a simple one that you should have picked up from Heroes and Generals. You got half the group mechanics down now you just need a second color from people who are in the same group. Keep red for everyone else.

Should AP mines end up having such a small blast that it can’t even kill a soldier literally on top of the mine itself, they may as well just be removed from the game.

But then, I’ll want back all the silver I spent on mines when they still worked.


Will you do something about bots wasting the tickets faster than players are capable of capturing new points, and contributing nothing to the team? (I don’t believe this player was a human)

Not talking about punishing the deserters but teaching bots to avoid the obvious death routes, or reducing the tickets that a bot squad consumes on spawn

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9th might be a bot but 10th is 100% a human since it’s almost impossible for a bot not to get a single kill


Can you put appearance selectors divided by maps in the vehicles like in the soldiers?
If I have a winter camouflage on the Pz III N, let me be able to select the campaigns in which I want to use it and in which I don’t, for example, I want to use it in Moscow but not in Tunisia.


I basically never quit games, not sure how widespread this issue is, this is one point where I disagree with Paradivision and the like, I play all gamemodes and do my best in any game. Maybe I’m the weird one. The game doesn’t have enough players now for fancy gamemode and map restrictions. I just see the same 10 people nerdraging about the same 3 issues in the chats like they represent the wider playerbase. I say go ahead with punishments. Unless you can refine a better solution, like tackling the silver earning issue with for example $5000 silver for every 5 games in a row that you don’t quit. And add past games scoreboard and tracker to that stat. Maybe every game in a row adds 5 - 10% exp up to 50% bonus for not quiting games. That should fkin fix exp and silver gain right there.

I think creative solutions with different kinds of bonuses that add up in the end by encouraging positive playstiles, for ramping up silver gain, is the way to go, rather than lump 20% increase or something. Those should go along with comprehensive tutorials on best practices explaining on how to rack up exp which transforms into silver.

I would rather suggest increasing map size / tweaking really problematic zones where tanks can be truly hard to touch in the greyzone, would be a solution. I for one don’t have many issues a lot of the time. Really now, you have AT guns, tanks, planes with bombs and, what often works for me, banzai charge the camp tank with a soldier.

Paratroopers need to be in the tech tree, too much nerdrage is going on about new rocket barrage but paras and building rallies in exotic positions are gamechanging.

About the mines, they are really annoying but not game breaking. Yes, 3-5 sec deploy time is a good idea. Deffinately german mines need to be fixed and not sunk in the ground. Maybe make mines a bit easier to spot. Maybe if you have engineer within 20 meters in the squad make them a bit more visible. Having the engineer disarm them seems silly, the game played properly is a fast action intense shitfest and I love it, action and adrenaline galore, lots of booms bangs intense action, disarming mines sounds like a useless tedious task, why not just shoot the damn thing, seems redundant.

Need to find a way to get the ethnic soldiers as said, with uniforms, voices, faces, names. Also ideally add other minor nations too, in the future, for larping around, with custom uniforms and voices, all that.

I support the “no limits” approach on cycling squads.

I own most premium squads, I think they are in the sweetspot mostly as they are, since they added engineer slot for the older ones. Minimum of 5 soldiers per prem squad including engineer slot should be the most that is required not to make (most of them) them overpowered.

PVE is a good idea, I’d support it if there was a much bigger playerbase, adding that now will fracture it further.

SUMMER SALE !!! consoomers demand it

Maybe 2 rally point per player should be considered. People just don’t build them. I don’t mind doing it, make it 50 exp for rally spawn and 70 for armored car spawn, i’ll be the logistics guy all game, baby.

Repeating some ideas from my earlier posts:

Engineers in your squad auto building laid down constructions after like 3-5 seconds would be an amazing addition.

Also squadmembers with shovels auto shoveling a laid down trench plan would make use of that mechanic <3

Being able to select default weapon fire modes in the menu

Whoever doesn’t like my long post can go sick a duck and read the posts of the same 5 people ranting about the same 5 issues like 5 different species of birds each screaming in their own tongue.


do you plan to teach bots to identify incoming fire direction or you will let them be massacred by one real player?

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or every completed squads battle gives one 30-50% booster that you obviously lose if you exit battle before it’s finished

There is a major flaw with this, that shouldn’t be overlooked and is NOT mentioned by you guys.

There are trendy factions, and unpopular factions. Due to events mainly, and unbalanced unlocks with updates.

Players, naturally flock to popular factions as it’s:

  • easier to win
  • easier to farm ranks without effort (ranks are really just detrimental to the game)
  • easier to gain currency
  • easier to grind
  • you get it. It’s easier and players like easy things.

The proposal of desertion penalties, will ACCENTUATE this very trend issue:
“I either play the unpopular faction and have a bad time against unfair teams or get punishment OR I do like everyone and stack the easy, trendy faction”.

Punishment, is just counterproductive.

But. Go ahead and try it, by all means.

I’ll be able to say “told you so”.


Having such teammates is a big reason to DESERT. Remaining is a punishment, by DESERTION you get another. Darn it. What a marvelous way to stop people playing.

Premium squads can’t have vitality perk and faster run speed they are inferior to TT equivalent when it comes to the total firepower of TT + gold weapons. I have multiple infantry premium squads and only use a few (mostly from the Soviets). However they can build a lot of stuff that usual TT squads can’t so they have some advantage.

I think Adrennes is a bit “bigger”, at least compared to most Normandy or Moscow maps.
Only a shame that the spawns are still good enough to greyzone camp the CPs or even the other spawn.

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No, it’s not.

It’s a lesser evil that is literally present in most games of this concept.

Currently players who are not deserting are unjustly and unfairly in disadvantage in comparison to deserters. As they don’t have several benefits that current imperfect system provides via desertion.

Currently, the game literally rewards you for ruining the game experience for other players.

Game should prioritized those players, not deserters. Punishment for desertion is well deserved.


Man, someone is really high on the morale high ground while also deserting all the time…

Cant remember them in Battlefield or Call of Duty… you know “literally”.
In fact, it is only present in Gajin games as far as I am concerned.

And? Game is meant to play for fun.

Such as camping with snipers and defending or attacking CPs, not building rallies, FLAGing planes into the ground, spame-cycle planes and tanks, spam AP mines or or…
But no, symptones are easier to fix, because fixing actual core issues is gay.


Punishing people for leaving matches even more than they already are is a stupid idea.
You can punish me all you want; you won’t see me play berlin train station or pacific.
People should not be punished for leaving maps they don’t want to play, so either don’t implement this feature or fix the maps and guarantee that blacklisted maps never show up.