Answering Your Questions!

If the English is correct is how much real time you spend on it, because you can’t really do in alternative way

As far as I know, AI Bots in regular matches won’t use Sniper squads, while in custom they will. (The experience is pre-merge)

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I miss big smoke. Warthunder smoke is quite good, waiting for it to port over


Already forgot there is smoke artillery. :smiling_face_with_tear: It could just use another cool-down time from regular artillery.

… and yes, WW2 had many smoke.

Only newbies with their Snipers used smoke grenades. It won’t be a buff or nerf problem as long as there are no “smoke cover scores” or something actively encouraging people to use it.

I suggest to make bug report with clog and screenshot done by game where devs can exactly see where problem occured.

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Doing it. Sometimes things just happened fast.:smiling_face_with_tear:


all boils down to " me me me "

but it’s not like the game is made just by you ( them ), and definitely not made to appease just you.


But some match last 10 minutes so then what happened? Actually what the total amount of time a match has is it 30 min? Or 40? Idk can’t check rn

That’s why this is just something in working, until is not fleshed we aren’t going see penalties

I mean if it really gonna be “you have to play 20m or get penalty” that fine with me but I’m just curious tbh that all

Now those gold rank can’t escape conquest PERFECT

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So, talking about the other face of selfishness, as there is another perspective must be concerned. The thing is, you may have someone you want to criticize, but one shouldn’t ignore that most of the people who speak on this forum are not beginners, and therefore, their opinions cannot represent everyone’s needs (so please understand that I am not writing this to criticize you, but suddenly felt the necessity of mentioning this aspect).

When people talking about “gaming experience”, think which situation is affected more:

a. A veteran, who is sitting in his Pz3N or sth, keep bombarding the Stalingrad railway station and farming kills. He won’t attack because his sniper and medic teammates can’t do nothing so there is no point. And he don’t care win or lose because he is just grinding the events; or care about research points, as he already finished the whole TT.

b. A newbie, did nothing wrong but also nothing right (our tutorials are bad). Don’t know how to put down a medical box, mark enemies, or build a rally point (maybe not even unlock the engineers). When he tried to snipe the enemy, he was quickly blown to pieces by T-28 or PaK 40 due to his conspicuous white camouflage suit. When he attempted to charge, his untrained medics were both bulky and fragile, and the MP 28 in his hand was simply unable to confront the PPS-43 or PPSh-41.

For some reason he didn’t quit in the middle of the match, so what waiting for him is once again, match up with those teammates and enemies just now, and the experience will be similar.

One reality is that in Enlisted, there is no sound matchmaking mechanism that allows beginners to fight against each other. In this situation (newbies got slaughtered) introducing deserter penalties rashly is actually also stripping newbies from “just play the game”. When meeting stronger enemies, newbies have their right to quit because the game didn’t do matchmake for them.


Newbies and casual players are basically never leaving the matches, it’s mostly matter of frustrated veterans.

I desert matches quite often too. Because it’s much more comfortable to just leave a team I’m annoyed or unhappy with and try my luck with another.

There’s no real penalty for doing that these days. (Ranking system is irrelevant joke) So I have no motivation not to desert.
But is that fair from the perspective of players who never deserted any match and just want to play? No, it’s not.

Desertion currently only benefits those who don’t deserve it. And people who try to play the game properly are screwed. That’s a fact.

I don’t see a single reason why the game should favor deserters over people who stay in match no matter what.
I see only lame excuses.


Ok, so this doesn’t adress my painpoints with mines at all:

  • The blast radius is already small enough, that they usually only kill one soldier. The only time when it really matter is if it is placed in a spot, where it’s difficult to shoot it from far away, so you have to explode yourself anyways.
  • Engineers being able to disarm them won’t make a difference I think. You can already just shoot them. Finding mines depends on what it means. If it automatically highlits them then it will make a difference but feel a little weird, otherwise it doesn’t mean anything.
  • Reducing their durability is nice. They always should die to 1 shot or explosion.

Now my painpoints with mines are:

  • They require barely any effort to set up, while requiring far more effort to clear.
  • They cause boring gameplay in having to stop from playing it as a fast game and rather having you to slowly play minesweeper through an entire house, while keeping an eye on the enemies inside that house aswell.
  • Mines on rallies are incredible annoying, as they just mean that you have to wait through 2 timers and do nothing in the mean time.
  • Mines are one sided and somehow distinguish between friend and foe. This is a bit wonky on the realism and I know other weapons behave like this too mostly, tho other explosives can kill your own squad. Mines do to, but don’t trigger on them. But unlike other explosives I think this makes the other problems I have with mines worse, as enemies often just sit on or close to their mines, meaning you don’t have time to look for mines, while fighting, while the enemy gets to ignore them for free.

I’ve seen a few good suggestions regarding mines here already:

  • Having a setup animation/time similar to engineer structures would address the imbalance in effort.
  • Not allowing them in houses would remove mines from the places, where they are most annoying. Tho this might be a bit overkill.

An idea or two by me:

  • Make ap mines trigger on rally points, so that you can’t use them to be annoying or mark rallies that are mined in the spawn menue.
  • Make ap mines trigger on your own squad. Allies would prolly go to far as allies will just constantly disarm your mines, but at least a player shouldn’t just be able to place mines all around them and then run around in the mines without consequences.
  • Make mines only trigger on running not walking or crouching. This would allow for a way to clear mined houses more easily, or alternatively make it possible to mark mines, so that they will not trigger at all on your team, like they do for the enemy team.

Those ideas are not all thought to work with each other, but just a few different ways of address mines. Some might work together well, others not.

Mines are by far my least favourite mechanic in the game and ruin game fun the most, together with bad matchmaking. I hope you’ll be able to find a solution that makes mines less annoying without making them completely useless, but tbh I’d rathe see them useless than annoying.

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i will agree with punishment for deserters, when you introduce punishment for snipers, punishment for people not building rally points, punishment for having no skill etc.
those people cripple the gaming experience of players who actually want to play for win.

goes both ways…


A better solution would be to remove the victory bonus, I don’t see any reason why victory in random queue mode should be so significantly rewarded.

Especially when all you need to achieve victory is to create 4 stacks, all solo players can do shtt with that.

Victory relevance should only be matter of some competitive mode with strict rules.
As wins would truly mean something there.


i agree with this (that bonus should be available regardless of win or loss).

then why punish deserters if win or loss doesnt matter.


logic doesn’t work on this guy

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That is spot on! A maximum stack for 1 party is 4 people which is 40% of the team and they only queue to play on the popular faction. The possibility of voicechat communication via a third party application further amplify their effectiveness.

In comparison my non-party player get recorded voicelines to communicate with giving them less vocabularies than those gorillas that was taught American Sign Language. Being able to communicate only 3 things asking “where enemy?”, “ammo?”, and “rally?” without having to stop playing and type in the chat that is blocked by the spawn screen UI.

“Seal clubbing is not the problem, we need more seals in the match for the clubbing. People who leave shall be punished.”
DarkFlow probably


Because all they’re doing is sabotaging their own team for selfish benefits.
Game should not be in favor of ruining game experiences for others.

Btw. I don’t know what punishments should be implemented. But some sort of punishment should definitely be a thing.
At least desertion rate in stats.

here’s another idea, make normal arty useful in direct hits on tanks and allow barrages in the greyzone, campers get squished by arta ez pz lemon squeazy