Another solution for greyzone camping at guns

make it so when a at gun is in the greyzone, you cant use the HE at infantry, as if you try to, it will just do 0 damage, same to AT to vehicles/tanks, it does 0 damage to vehicles and tanks. AT does 0 damage to vehicles/tanks and infantry, and HE does 0 damage to infantry and vehicles/tanks

not only is this the best solution for greyxone camping at guns, but also does not nerf the at gun unlike the at gun solution that is in the letter, which says to remove HE, so pls, lets spread this idea to gaijin and df, and put this idea in the letter guys!

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I have a simpler solution for you:



I solve problems, , not problems like “What is beauty?” Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems. for instance: how am I going to stop some mean AT gun from tearing my team? The answer, use a gun, and if that don’t work… Use more gun. Take for instance this heavy caliber Anti-Tank weapon, held by me, and destorys tanks and AT guns by me using it, also, you best hope… is not pointed at you.


I disagree because the whole point of AT guns is that they sit BEHIND the front line to fight vehicles

Now I do think it would be interesting to remove HE from AT guns because I think it would be a great opportunity to add a new tool to the arsenal, Infantry Support Guns. That way if you want to fight vehicles build an AT gun, want to fight infantry build a ISG

i said GREYZONE, greyzoning isnt FAIR mr or mrs, by your logic, so should a tank not have any punishment for being a greyzoner, after all, is designed to be sit back behind infantry and used from far away to kill infantry and tanks!

greyzone is evil and big no no!!

Personally whenever I play as a tank I am usually near the frontline. Something about having certain field of view, directly supporting the infantry, shock and awe, whatnot

I don’t have an issue with the gray zone itself. There are various ways of countering gray zone enemies such as planes or building your own AT guns, plus your vehicles. I lean more towards dynamic chaotic balance instead of just making X damage go away

But I understand where you’re coming from. Which again is why I try to think of interesting dynamic solutions and features that add more spice to the game

I have suggested Flak Cannons as the AT squads unique building. These are basically the ultimate weapon against pretty much every vehicle with long range

I have also suggested Paratroopers being able to parachute into the gray zone so they can harass and sabotage the enemy

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Let’s not talk about planes and tanks.
Have you ever tried using an anti-tank launcher to snipe an enemy?
Distance has little effect on their penetration ability
You can rely on them to hit campers from a distance
You can even see various videos on the Internet of using anti-tank launchers to snipe campers.