Animation improvements

dam man that look so good ngl

and the background look pretty moody i like it

i don’t know.

it still feels gittery.

but. looking forward to inspect it more closely.

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Will the pistols’ shooting stance ever be corrected to the historically accurate one handed point-shooting stance?


Similar to this, and it’s VERY old:

In fact it’s the very first topic I made on the forum. Seeing devs are working on animations again, it’s relevant.

ALSO. Speaking of realistic animations. The RELOADING animations of AVT40, Fg42II, mp43 and Breda SF rifles, are ridiculous. You don’t “punch” your magazine out… it doesn’t look cool. It just looks silly.
Edit: event Besal as well


im pretty sure that one event bren related gun also punches the mag out


Wow… animation updates are the updates which enlisted needs! The more animations the better!


Youre right! I forgot about it… I love the Besal, but reloading it is so “cringe”…

so much to do so little time :smiley:

i like this

I love small details like this. The way Germans run (1 hand holding weapon) is sooo good in Squad 44/Post Scriptum)

Started playing it again of late. Enlisted should take note of animations and Special Effects in that game, Also tank commander cuploas.


they have to tone this down to cater to potato pc and even worse consoles

Every bit of improvement is cool, I guess?

But honestly I hope to see more.

In particular, I was hoping to see THIS back:

As well as soldiers finally have some ever-so-slight MOMENTUM, in order to put an end to the constant stop-&-go behaviour from bots that makes it super annoying to shoot them with BA rifles.


That is the worst. It is the reason i stopped using snipers entirely. They just cant be still for 1 second

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i dont have problem with them not being still. i have problem with them constantly moving and stopping making them harder to hit than players. you cant compensate for movement cause of random stops and you cant hit them while they are still cause they will start moving.


Motion capture is expensive, studios can charge from hundreds to thousands of dollars per hour of mocap studio usage.

Devs could look into a cheaper alternative by exploring a technique called rotoscoping, it’s a fancy way of saying select a frame from a video and copy it for animation.

Good animator don’t need mocap to make the animation feel alive, for example the procedural animation for the game Inside look amazing.

DarkFlow need to fix the character top half being out of sync with the bottom half during the running animation, the legs alternate faster than arms.

In enlisted, it is not just the running and sprinting that have problems with footsteps.
There are also many problems with gun-holding movements, going up and down stairs, climbing, jumping, and other movements.

The price of motion capture is not a problem for Gaijin.
It is a necessary and worthwhile investment.
Speaking of expensive, in the recent update preview of enlisted, there are action optimizations that only have visual effects but lack physical properties. These so-called optimizations will only increase the load on the client and server, and have no practical significance. They are just some face-saving projects.
Therefore, there must be too much money to waste.

Simulating actions by keyframes is not special. It is the most basic and traditional 3D animation project.

As for the movements simulated by the model algorithm, some smooth movements that have been completed in War Thunder and CRSED for several years have existed for many years, and many of them have not been ported into enlisted.

As for the excellent animator? it has been enlisted for more than 4 years. Where is the excellent animator? When did he join the company?
The bipod animations were just optimized in the last few months.
Please don’t expect anything excellent or professional.
If a truly talented person has recently taken up the job, who has been sleeping on the chair and getting paid for the past four years?

In my opinion mocap would be over kill, you can still procedurally animate things and make is look good while saving a ton of money.