Animation improvements

When can soldiers in the game use ‘real action capture’

Looking good, here’s hoping we see more improvements along these lines sooner rather than later.

The changes may be small, however mostly good, especially the fact that now the feet no longer slide like on a conveyor belt, as seen in the older version in 0:14. There is still room however, to work on how mass and momentum of moving soldier is reflected - he still seems like a mostly weightless, stiffly animated puppet. Some body motion tracking combined with weight simulation on the uniform and carried equipment would be awesome

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Would be nice to see some demonstration on uneven terrain then. The ground is flat in the video.

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Really good jobs dev, that a news who care for us

just like the earth am i right? jk jk please dont take this so seriously (people nowadays man always so serious)

we only need more ammo
not more rof :unamused:

stiil waiting new AT guns & new weapons & the veteran’s boxs
and real Motion capture!!!


Cool but what about Volkssturm “guerillas” in Tunisia - are they gonna wear fur hats and run around with PPS?

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will we have test server before the major update? (it is the major update right? iirc)

if its possible to make movement animations in enlisted somehow more relastic, i believe our enlisted will be better


It doesn’t need to come back but it was nice to know when to insta-leave in a split second


Where did you get this video from? This is from Enlisted? I never saw soldiers balance on the turns like that, this looks great

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Nice will there be some sale soon? :smiley:

This is the very first video before the release of the game.

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Yes. There’s not much time left till the anniversary.


hope so then im gonna wait a bit cuz this new squad doesn’t look too promising its just sounding cool but its meh its assaulter squad with 4 guys in it with nothing special

that only because they arent jap

anyway if there is a sale they better have discount on US/Jap apc and paratrooper (specifically jap para)

A very pleasant improvement to soldier movement animations. Thank you James and of course a huge thank you to the animation team, keep up the great work !

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extremely early access stage of enlisted from 2017

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