An Open Letter to Darkflow

I do believe that this could also make an already poorly optimized UI even more cluttered. So, an alternative to this would simply have a minimum XP earned for the booster to apply, adding the number of games. So for example:

100% booster 3 games minimum 15,000 XP. If those 3 games did not earn 15,000 XP from this booster, the booster will provide the difference to the unallocated Research Point pool and provide the silver that would be gained at minimum.

If there was a short monthly/bimonthly stream/video like Digital Extreme’s Dev Stream or Prime Time that would be a great place for announcing development of upcoming things like the Rzhev map or designing and testing the rocket artillery strike. These also help with building hype before the update gets released and publicly announced. The stream could also go into the bugs that are getting worked on.


adampee’s seal of disapproval means we are going towards the right direction lmfao


Couldn’t have said it better if I tried.

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Occasionally it would be useful to have a dislike or disapproval button.

Just for the cases like this one. The guy and his ilk wants to keep enlisted in something completely awful. And I really do not like it.

The fact that this guy who’s constantly writing all kinds of stupidity in forums. And ruining other people’s brain cells.
Puts up to role of community clown, it’s already completely bizarre.


Alot of good points, and some not so good ones. Easier just to list the ones I personally disagree with as it is the smaller list.

Might Need a signature for each section!, I wont sign while it encompasses stuff I dont agree with.

And I will just say that, overall I think the Devs are doing a good job and I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Is communication to whats being seriously conisdered not really there? sure…are no brainer features taking a reallly long time to appear - yes…simple fixes…yes. Bad decisions? sure (everyone makes them)…But overall They do add alot of stuff that is asked for over time (even if they take their sweet time). And they do alot more updating than games like Battlefield. On this they have my approval.


Not convinced on this one. Have seen on many ocassion players suicide their whole squad just to make the vehicle they want available again. over and over again. Also its a “minor” prevention for players playing the way they want to on a slot that is already limited.


I perhaps like the idea of a requirement for “Heavy vehicles or Heavy CAS” while allowing fighters and light/medium tanks. But then Good/Vet players would have a monopoly on the best squad that generates the best score. It would be equivalent to the rich get richer.Like the Titan event, As soon as I got the titan, the points just kept on rolling in. TItan all game, repeatedly dunking on everyone


Just like Battlefield Series people would sit in the spawn screen waiting. Could potentially tie up half your team in Enlisted (10 a side), sitting in the respawn menu waiting, trying to get the vehicle.

I prefer The Airfield method. Now before people get the wrong idea, In laymens terms -

Airfields primary function is to do just what a Lockout timer does. Extends the time it take before A plane can be back in play

Except it does it “without” people needing to wait in respawn screen and it has numerous other benefits. Highly adjustable to effect the amount of time.


More in favour of BR dynamic progression AT guns. 2 pounder, 37mm, 47mm, 50 mm, 6 pounder, 75mm, 76mm, 85mm, 88 mm, 90mm, 100mm etc etc etc


AA guns are already OP by design (Im not talking about the effectiveness in the hands of someone that doesnt know what they are doing), Im talking about they “always have First strike with aim assist” in a game where damage is lethal, and the only risk to this counter, is bad use.

The only changes I am okay with is overheat removal, and elevation removal. If we move up into quad barrels and high volumes of AA fire, Aim assist will need to go.


In my opinion the best mode mecahic wise.


Not that I disagree in principle, except for the fact that most of the iconic weapons for current factions are already in game. You cant really add many more without dipping into prototype, unused or other nations equipment. With the exception of subnation standard equipment, tProtoypes and paper designs should be gold order weapons or premium, NOT tech tree.

Vehicles on the otherhand has such a large selection, and the assets are already available thanks to Warthunder. It only makes sense that this is the case, like it or not.

So yeah, an option to sign off on sections. Sure :slight_smile:

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Your comment is not in any way related to the original post itself, you are just making “ad hominem” fallacy against the person just for the sake of it. Others, on the other hand, are providing valuable feedback on the individual solutions proposed in the letter, which is much more productive way of communicating in my opinion.

I agree with the majority of suggested ideas in the letter and think they are a huge step in the right direction for Enlisted.


Agree with these old suggestions.
But these are suggestions that developers already know.
Quite a few clauses have been proposed, reported, and forwarded for quite a long time, some may be more than 1 year, or even 2 years.
Not to mention that hard-working assistants and managers such as James and 07 have been exposed to various suggestions and ideas and have compiled thick suggestion documents. These old ideas are as familiar as “one’s own house number, one’s own mobile phone number”.
The core of the problem is not to propose, organize, and pass on suggestions. Rather, the developers don’t care about these suggestions. They are in a known state of the problem, but pretend not to know. Even many of Keofox’s promises have not been fulfilled so far. He has been out of touch with the player community for a long time. Just look at his replay.
So, it is good to propose, summarize, and pass on suggestions.
Hard-working messengers are also very hard.
But people who really make decisions, plans, values, codes, etc. don’t like to listen to these suggestions.
Yes, some people will say that no one likes suggestions, they prefer people who make suggestions to help them do things directly.
But taking zzm’s “Big Attack” mod as an example, the developers are not interested in the suggestions made by excellent producers and the excellent content produced, and are more just staying at “formalism”.

Finally, I really hope that capable warriors who dare to make suggestions can go to Gaijin/DF’s studios offline to make suggestions. They are located in: Hungary, Cyprus, Germany, Dubai, Montenegro, Latvia, Armenia, etc.


well i wont sign it even if it had everything i agreed with (and i dont). you know why? cause it is bad security practice. you are basically giving out your account info to some random unknown third party on internet. if i had list of account emails i could probably hack at least couple of accounts cause of peoples bad security practice.


my Brother in Christ, youre typing in an “unsecured” forum

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lol ok Mr. Security expert. You know you don’t have to submit your email ? Or type out your password in the form? Also hack the accounts for what reason? So they can look at your shitty stats? This has gotta be bait

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not that I looked at what was on the signing document. But I was assuming it was just going to be ingame name only LOL…which is everywhere anyway. And rather pointless because Anyone could just write a game name on it, not their own.

not worried about emails. I two factored and app lock everything these days. my gajin accounts are obviously on the web and have been for years. (many attempts)

Ad Hominem

(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.


IGN in combination with combat time in days is an adequate way of authentication for this particular purpose since the combat time is not publicly available info, so this combination should yield a unique data, and yet none of these 2 are sensitive data either :wink:


not really. you wont be able to hack my account with any publicly available info.

saw my email on form cause i was signed and didnt really pay attention. glossed over the not shared part.

if i have email i can get loads of previously used passwords from other breached sites.

you can do lots of stuff… sell the account, delete stuff on the account, spend gold/silver, get someone banned etc.

btw you can check if your mail/passwords have been compromised.

Hey, just fyi - emails are not being collected. I cannot see anyone’s email who signs and this will always be the case



yeah i later checked and saw not shared part. first time i didnt check carefully and just saw my mail on the form…

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People like him act as if they represent the community, in reality they spend more time on the forums than in-game. And when they play and lose they come crawling back to the forums to complain and get their faction buffed. This letter shows that we “the majority” have other ideas and very real concerns.


So far we’re already over 150 signatures. Not bad for only a couple hours.


lol did you just phish to prove a point lol (I doubt you would do that, would be funny anyway)