Allowing M30 Drilling to use it rifle

The M30 is a triple barrel survival gun, 2 shotgun barrel with 1 rifled barrel.

Make it do similar damage than most bolt action rifle, shouldn’t break the balance much.



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I think it can be achieved using the current GL mechanism with slight modifications.


You learn something new every day, gentlemen.

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Oh, yes, please. I suggested as much in this post two years ago, among other shotgun-related things.

M30 Drilling
If the Axis has to have this gun, it should only exist in Tunisia, and the left barrel should fire 1oz Brenneke Slugs while the right barrel fires birdshot, and give us the rifle barrel too. The slug should be travelling at 475m/s, dealing damage equivalent to the Berdan (less than realistic, but balance is a factor), extreme ballistic drop beyond 100m, and damage falloff such that shots hit beyond 100m do not kill in one hit. The birdshot should follow the current damage model, deals more damage, travels slower, and contains hundreds fewer pellets than real birdshot, but does a decent enough job of approximating the capabilities of larger birdshot sizes in combat within the confines of game balance. the Rifle barrel should be 9.3mm, firing a projectile doing more than 20.7 damage per shot (that’s how much the Mosin “Infantry” pre-order rifle does), travelling at 720m/s, with appropriate falloff and ballistics. The gun should have 2 fire modes, toggled with the same button as select-fire weapons. In mode one, the right barrel fires first, followed by the left. In mode 2, the rifle barrel would fire first, followed by the left shotgun barrel. This is how the real gun worked.


I think shotguns were the dumbest COD/BF [insert any other dumbass FPS in here] insertion into what initially started as a “vaguely” historical game.

Then they had a moment of clarity and nerfed these stupid things so all the stat padders stopped using them.

Then they unnerfed them, so why the hell not add the rifle capability to the weapon since it actually is historically accurate - supported !

All they have to do thereafter is restrict it to the BF-109 Trop pilot since they’re the ones that used it in Africa for shits and giggles, because when you’re shot down why not take some time out for a Safari…

You forgot: One is a buckshot, One is a slug, one is a rifle round.


Are you serious?
Possible future where we can change what type of shotgun ammunition we use? Huge if so.

I mean, you do you, but coughs in USA war crime stick, some version of which has been in service for 100+years
Don’t bitch about shotguns from a historical standpoint, k thanks.
I’ll grant that the Drilling, historically, was luftwaffe only, and only then in africa, and I’ve never been able to find a TOZ-B historically, it seems to be a generic hamer-fired SxS 12 guage. They gave germany and russia shotguns so they wouldn’t bitch too hard about american ones, then decided japan didn’t need them for some reason. QQ more.

They nerfed them because german mains cried about the Auto 5 in Normandy testing, then made a correction that almost, almost makes shotguns as good as they should be so that people might use them, ever, and they wouldn’t be wasted code.

Me? Or someone else? Pretty sure it’s in the quote I dropped.

Drilling should have two modes, by trigger pull: Shot, Slug, and mode two is Rifle, Slug


I think the button which changes semi/auto/burst mode would be more suitable for it.


Is the T button used for anything?

I don’t know what is T button. I’ve rebinded lot of buttons

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The ‘H’ button on QWERTY keyboards is the fire selector for weapons with that function, and would be my choice for drilling mode.


T is the default for healing and repairing

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What about button C?

Free look in vehicles

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Can we have two functions for ‘C’ button?

Free look

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No it’s free look for infantry too


Oh! I literally never use free look outside of planes, so I didn’t know XD