Allowing M30 Drilling to use it rifle


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You can have one button binded for different functions on infantry and vehicles simultaneously.


However you can’t free look as the unbutton commander, the turret will always move

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I didn’t mention it because I feel like relegating it still close range except rifle, also constant alternating between slug and buck probably not great for gameplay purpose.

Were Slug shell widely used during ww2? Reminder M30 was a expensive commercial gun hunting gun, Goering bought more as gift due to him being a avid hunter.

That’s why I said this. One barrel close, one barrel close slow and meme-ey, one rifle round

The drilling feel like birdshot in the game, barely kill anyone even at somewhat close range (not point blank).

Maybe it is birdshot after all.

In game it’s the same as all the other shotguns, 14 pellets doing, apparently, 3.4 damage ish each and 2.06mm diameter.

So, birdshot, but damaging like half a .22 per pellet, and literally hundreds fewer pellets per shot.

Drilling birdshot should be ~100 pellets doing like 1.5 damage each at ~10m, falling off to 0 by 30. TOZ and US shottys should be 9 pellets, 7.9mm, doing 4.5 damage each, with falloff like the PPk pistol and ~20inch spread at 10m IIRC.

DF/Gaijin won’t give us realistic shotguns, MGs, or semi-auto rifles, I’m pretty over it at this point.

I got outranged by American Shotgun while using my Drilling : (

Technically the main reason why I suggest this in the first place, but then again most shotgun other than US are just meme gun.

Speaking of damage what is the default health of a soldier in the game, usually ~10 usually mean 2 shot kill while >20 mostly one shot kill.

The barrels were designed for those ammo types.

One for slug shot
one for buck shot
one for Rifle.

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without the vitality perk, and assuming torso hits:

10 damage to down, 20 to gaurantee a kill through a medkit AFAIK

It seems like a good solution would be a fire selector that switches between 1 round of buckshot 1 slug and 1 rifle round.

I think the problem would be the complexity of animating the reload of the shells and the rifle round. If you shoot the buckshot and then switch to the rifle and shoot a rifle round and then reload, it would be a different animation then if you shot both shotgun barrels and then reloaded the two shells without shooting the rifle barrel.

Its doable cause the developers have shown they can create very good animations, but it may be a little complicated I think.

first people complain about “smurf accounts”
now I hear the magical words “stat padders”

seriously, Enlisted has neither a skill based match making system - nor a rank system that can be taken serious. You people need to stop crying about irrelevant nonsense.


Still though, it would be nice to load different type of shells into shotguns in general.

I am not bitching about anything. I’m just calling out absurdity for what it is.

Just because the US used them doesn’t mean they can’t be in the US line up. What they shouldn’t be is in other nations line ups because they didn’t use them, and I’m not going to argue the Geneva convention side of it, because all sides bent the rules as far as those were concerned to a greater or lesser degree.

I do think the request makes sense. I think its a waste of dev resources, and I think shotguns should be removed from the Soviet and German trees, they just were not used - they’re a stupid gameism.

That’s fair enough, as opinions go. I’m not sure they should go through the effort to remove TOZ and Drilling, at this point, but I can see where you’re coming from.

Funny they wasted WP and AA guns(this cause plane spamming becoming rampant)

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What? I have no idea what you’re trying to say, or why in response to that post, or on this topic.

They got nerfed because someone cry about them

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A lot of thing got nerfed to the ground.