All the assault rifles the new German assault engineer event squad can equip

What body armor would the Germans have?

And Japan will 100% get body armor in the future, at least on the upcoming assault engineers, since that’s the pattern they seem to be going with

I do not have the picture at the moment but it’s World War One body armor and it’s in the mod editor

Same goes for the Americans or the British but I don’t have the picture for that one either


Yeah, WW1 body armor in a WW2 game… You want Normandy to look like Somme?

I just think Soviets and Japanese should be the only ones with body armor, they were the only ones who mass produced and equipped their soldiers with them. Any other faction having body armor outside like event squads is just going to look ridiculous.

Besides, I think it’s good that factions are not just 1-to-1 copies of each other in every single possible aspect. Soviets and Japanese could have body armor while Germans and Americans have impact grenades or something else, seems like a fair compromise.

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The Soviets have literally stolen and copied STG and improved upon it and they’ve also taken our panzerfaust and they’re using a World War One weapon that end game and they don’t even have ammo for it but yet they’re still using it.

So overall what you say does not really matter at end game when that place is even more absurd than it can be

Well the fedorov avtomat was at least used in WW2, Panzerfausts were used by Soviets in large numbers and the AS-44 was tested during the time

German WW1 body armor in a WW2 scenario would be way too noticeable and ridiculous.

And again, Germans have impact grenades which the Soviets don’t and will never get

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I can see both sides to this equation; Id like to see more survivable battle gameplay; but within reason

Suggested both Japanese body armor, and squad refilling Medic APCs + Medic 2 class for more indepth gameplay.

Re armor; Germany issued captured SN42 plates to some of their sturmpioneer units, so event/premium squad could be on brand.

Additionally US Marines did start equipping plate vets in 1945 however, also makes sense as a event/premium unit since its end of war only event.

I think expanding medic class or some other way to increase survivability would be the way to approach this within historical norm.

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Impact have been nerved and they have Maxim Tokarey as well and they’re using fedorov which the logistics can’t even handle let alone even the ammo.

Doesn’t change how out of place German WW1 body armor would look

You mean how out of place Soviet MG from 1905 is
Last time Russia fielded Madsens in any significant numbers was 1905 war with Japan.
They had their hand full with other stuff until 1914, and Danish were selling almost all Madsens to Germany (a very aggressive neighbor).
Attempts to set up a factory at Kovrov in Russia in 1917 failed due to sudden communism. Said factory opened Fedorov production instead.
Mass-fielding of Madsens by every beginner Soviet is a pure fantasy.

or how about Maxim Tokarev which is 1920 mg isn’t it out of place?
The game doesn’t care if its out of place if it’s for balance sake it will be added like AS-44

There are reports that Russian partisans used some Madsens.
And regarding mass-fielding, this point can be made to almost all weapons in the game with low numbers etc., most notably the FG42 or Japanese SMGs.

The game has always had weapons that might not fit the time frame, would you rather fight against DP-27s at BR2? Soviets needed a garbage MG to fill the gap.

Weapons are nearly not as noticeable as body armor you can give to every one of your soldiers. Like a single Cönders or few Madsens here and there you can easily ignore, but if every German BR5 player had WW1-era body armor, you really can’t suspend your disbelief on that one.

Also the picture you posted of a “German soldier with body armor” is actually a Soviet POW

sure all you say is true so what’s the point if the Japanese can have a tank that never existed but Germans cant use their armor from ww1

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Noticed that deleted it

I do, now.

I bought one for testing long time ago and got second by accident.
I’m happy that I made accident once because it really wasn’t.

But yeah, three accidents would have been nice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I fear I only have 3 afterall… that or I can’t find the 4th one among my hundreds of squads :sweat_smile:

Still, a decent and fun to use weapon.

I wish I could use my old Schmeissers on those Engies (they’re smgs…)

I have one MKIII Schmeisser I rather use bolt rifle tho.

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Oh! It’s not the “best” per say… I just, love how it feels, and find the piece really pretty :smile:

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Loads 6x manlicher 1885
Its 2 br time