greetings dear modders, todays i’m gonna create an ID list ( and try to keep it up to date ) about every possible cosmetic within enlisted. mostly useful for make modded Profiles, give clothings with the specific id to artificial Generated NPC and/or for scenary soldiers with animations as well.
reason why i’m making this thread, it’s to speed up the process without having to make too many clicks ( for example scroll, place, find the name, look at the right direction etc. )
so with this guide, modders can just simply scroll, see what they like, copy, and paste it.
here will be the format:
.> category name
( specify which component the category uses )
name of the cosmetic ( picture )
unfortunately, due to the limitation of the forum, i had to split this thing into multiple threads. matter of fact, i had to split germany into two messages as the fonts exceed the forum character limit.
so this is some sort of portal to get directly at clothings IDs:
( i thought would have been more organized )
Make sure you read the category or if it’s specified between " ( ) ", reason being, despite components being similar/or the same thing between nations, some of them uses different category. so make sure to read them carefully. otherwise those will not show up/work. i tried my best to keep things organized, but whoever in enlisted actually categorized them and stuff, wasn’t very organized to begin with.
also, some of them are dupliacated, and can’t really do much about it. i kept them because i believe those will change. ( especially for the muricans with different names. probably those will have patches. but aren’t a thing yet ) and so on. if you have any questions, you can ask below )
alright so. i have updated it to all cosmetics within the update ( big caliber ).
if there are any other cosmetics missing, i would like for you to comment down below to this message and NOT under the faction cosmetic thread in question so that i can make and keep things organized for everyone.
reason being, i have only a limited ammount of time and edit available before i’ll lose the ability to edit. once that i will lose that said ability, it would be alot easier for me and everyone else to just add messages down below within each update.
but i am planning on making google documents to be much easier to update.
sorry folks- but it’s getting kinda impossible for me at the moment trying to include all pieces.
all i can do, is post the name of the newer clothings. but majority of the time, and most likely will happen again for one reason or another, they will swap slots, change names, change colors of the clothings and what not.
therefore, i’m afraid i’ll have to discontinue it.
due to my inability of predict nor assest what changes have been made, and many others.
not to mention, i have also lost the ability to edit.
so, i’ll might make an accurate guide and try to fix it while keeping it up to date on a google document.
but i’m not sure i’m allowed to do that as i suspect it’s against the TOS.
and don’t expect it from me any time soon.
as i’m very busy, and that spare time that i got left, usually goes in the editor.
for the moment, majority of the ones that i posted above in each thread is still somewhat close. but mind that the model of certain items or the slots attached to have changed.
however, you’ll need an edited code because armors retexture doesn’t work like your normal retexture:
_use:t="attachable_roll" /// must be one of those attachable_part either armor, head, pot, roll or any.
item__uniqueName:t="armor_test_1" /// facoltative
animchar__res:t="armor_eagle_low_m_char" /// make sure it's the right one
"warfare_concealed_armor_d_tex_d*":t="" /// insert texture here
for the helmets, you can actually add textures normally.
however, the soviet headgear has glasses which the texture will replace.