Adding the effect of impulses on bodies

Oh good, more visual FX to add to my night terrors.

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This looks like it could be a lot of fun. Wonder how much ragdoll the Rmn-50 and Berdan II can cause lol.

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It’s just the first Japanese vehicle, the Ta se.

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can you also add something that depicts bullet wounds?
you could use the mechanism that anything under HMG caliber creates bullet wounds, anything HMG and higher caliber tears a part of the enemy body off (only when dead). before working out more detailed damage mechanics, this could be fast & easy to implement while bringing a huge improvement to visuals & realism.


James_Grove plzzz read this, It’s a very easy but huge qol improvement. Obviously customizable HUD where we can physically choose what’s on our screen isn’t coming soon, soon please add a toggle key option for the minimalistic battle interface option, for us no HUD players it’s practically impossible for us to use tanks so we have to navigate settings to find and change that option every time we use a tank or At troops to see the little interface showing where we’ve hit, if we can’t get a customizable HUD besides the few options we have currently please request just this toggle shortcut option I imagine it’s not hard to implement. Thanks :pray:


On the plus side, if the effect is tuned right and doesn’t significantly stress hardware/servers, catching a squad in the open while manning a HMG will become even more exhilarating.

From a quick glance, I’d say that the strength of the “push” effect should be reduced overall, and large calibres should rather send off severed limbs than yeeting a full body.

Perhaps tie the pushing force to the actual damage dealt, with a proportional chance of amputation at death if a certain damage threshold is reached?

The greatest catapult effect could maybe be achieved by a full shotgun hit to the chest at close range, but otherwise it should probably be on the low side. Otherwise MGs will feel like shooting bricks instead of bullets.


Cool feature, will probably make grenades/bombs/HE shells much more dramatic and fun! Will add to long list of “not sure this should’ve been a priority…” changes though

Yeah, I had some at that time, but now it seems fine.

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Yeah this just seems really cartoonish…

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Like the lack of body parts being blown to bits from explosive 20 mm?

Nice QoL

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Most of the dead bodies I looked at ended up falling into a T-pose lmao

Kinda rushed vid, but yes XD


I like that new physics are added, but I would reduce the effects for rifle bullets by a half relative to what is shown in the video. Rifle and MG bullets pierce through flesh effectively (without much resistance) because they are shaped in a way that reduces resistance from the penetrated mass. Rifle bullets should have very little impact here - if you ever saw any videos of soldiers hit with rifle shots, they just fall without any noticeable recoil. If a guy was walking in some direction, he would fall in the same direction.
Blast waves on the other hand should have the effect that currently rife bullets have in this video. Strength of a rifle bullet recoil in the current recoil model should be delivered by a 80mm mortar shell up close, maybe.


I would reduce this impact strength by 30-50%. They flew off a few meters from their rifles, that looks excessive… they resemble light ragdolls (like made of plastic, maybe empty inside) sliding across polished floor. Half a meter, 1 meter tops, and they should stop, that’s how I feel about it


I got to test the shotgun next.

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Different exit wounds from different bullets (small spot from a 7.92mm vs a big mess from a .45 ACP) would be really something :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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show us when you do it

Well it’s a 20×124 mm projectile traveling at 950 m/s.

I’m no physicist but looks like that would throw you alright.


If it hit the soldier with a wide bullet that pushes a lot of flesh, than yes, but this is just a 20 mm that pulls a small bit of flesh for a split second. The thing is, the percentage of total bullet’s energy transferred as kinetic energy to the whole body is very low. I think a projectile 2 cm in diameter still flies after passing through the body, keeping most of it’s kinetic energy. That’s what armor-piercing ammunition is designed for - for minimal energy loss during penetration.

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