Adding the effect of impulses on bodies

I like the idea, but I don’t think rifle cartridges send people flying like it’s 70’s action movies, the force on some of those shots seemed like a bit much lol

My mans almost did a double backflip


Why do machine guns that fire rifle bullets have such a significant knockback effect?


This will make killing enemies so much more satisfying, I bet using AT rifles against infantry will feel amazing now!


Objects like this?

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oh my god i hope

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Great news!
On a monday (?)
never happened before.


Next time please use the spoilers function to post multiples image so it makes the thread especially on the news section to be more clean and tidy

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am i the only one thinking that despite the “improvement” over what we had, ragdolls still looks goofy?

like, not sure how many tested the callisto.

it is certainly funny. but… ehhh i can’t fully explain it.


So the toons that were getting killed in video, did they all have max perks?
Vit is useless now?,
not that i use it.

reminds me of the wind update, that we needed,
and 5 weeks to release on steam, this is what they been working on.

Honestly, judging by that video the knockback effect looks overdone to cartoonish levels. Dudes fly and flip just too much.


graphic updates are looking very promissing. I’d say merge turned out to be good, and you seem to be doing efforts to expand the player-base (Steam, etc.). I’m liking this direction and I hope everything goes well.

No one told a precise dates) only that it will be in 1st qartal of that year.

We literally posted a few days a big patchnote and even launched a dev server to try them out.
(Short from list:Reworked sights of usa guns, improved balance mechanics, and tons of fixes)

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With Wilhelm scream nonetheless.

In future it think it would be corrected.


Any notes on fixing the memory leak issue? It’s been plaguing me for more than 5 months // Issues

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I just say 5 weeks, as that would be end of Q1,
i personally believe it will drop week after event finishes :smile:

PS, no answers about the toons used in video? did they have max perks, because this looks like it by-passing the perks?


Nice. Would be cool to see actual melee/bayonet charge fighting animations and not just enemies falling because you touched their hitbox.

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This is gonna be fun, can’t wait!

Server issues yet again?


It’s normal AI, so no, it’s changes in body physics, not damage or anything

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