Adding the effect of impulses on bodies

Add ding screams and yelling in pain. Also add more gore, like guts, head falling off, body being messed up by shells, face caved in etc. lol

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After a calibre. Bodies should be dismembered flying in pieces or cut in half. So far its a good job. Like it

It is exaggerated but its the first step i am sure they gonna tweak it after

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Yeah like it seems to have potential but it feels a bit much. They should tone it down to like 50% or 70% maybe and show us. It seems pretty extreme rn.


Rifle bullets should have very little impact here - if you ever saw any videos of soldiers hit with rifle shots, they just fall without any noticeable recoil. If a guy was walking in some direction, he would fall in the same direction.

This is my understanding of the physics here as well. I’d really want the game to be more believable rather than exaggerated spectacle. It’s quite immersion breaking.


Will it be possible to wallpaper rooms with meat pulp again and paint the walls red?
I thought it would never come back. And yet GOREEEEE!!! YES

improved gore would be better than ragdolls which fly 5 meters high from rifle hits, hits should look more realistic than some super low quality bullet wound, theres alot to do in this section.

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now time to focus in bypods and windows,kay?

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…you’re kidding, right? Are you going to add splash effects for explosive packs that go off in hands, next?

Please increase blood and gore by 1000%, it is for the pleasure after all.

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I think the most important visual aspect that needs worked on is what happens to soldiers when they are shot while running full stride. The animations look nothing like what happens when you kill a man while standing.